Schottischer Ritus Kathedrale: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
Zeile 13: | Zeile 13: | ||
The Scottish Rite Cathedral is located at 650 N. Meridian Street in downtown Indianapolis. It was built in 1927-1929 in the Neo-Gothic style. The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry. | The Scottish Rite Cathedral is located at 650 N. Meridian Street in downtown Indianapolis. It was built in 1927-1929 in the Neo-Gothic style. The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry. | ||
− | [[Datei:Sarah2.jpg|thumb|350px|left|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: Eastern portal of the Scottish Rite. This is the eastern entrance of the Sottish Rite Cathedral (located on Meridian Street). The portal features the Masonic double-headed eagle of Lagash and sculptures of the first Grand Masters. The words above the doors read: "Whom virtue unites, death cannot separate" | + | [[Datei:Sarah2.jpg|thumb|350px|left|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: Ostportal der Schottischen Ritus Kathedrale. Dies ist der Osteingang der Schottischen Ritus Kathedrale (befindlich an der Meridian Straße). Das besondere Merkmal diese Portals ist der freimaurerische doppelköpfige Adler von Lagash und Skulpturen des ersten Großmeister. Folgende Worte kann man über der Tür lesen: "Wen die Wirkungskraft geeint, kann nicht getrennt sterben." |
− | [[Datei:Sarah1.jpg|thumb|400px|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: A view of the bell tower of the Scottish Rite Cathedral, showcasing the Neo-Gothic style of the bell tower and facade.]] | + | Eastern portal of the Scottish Rite. This is the eastern entrance of the Sottish Rite Cathedral (located on Meridian Street). The portal features the Masonic double-headed eagle of Lagash and sculptures of the first Grand Masters. The words above the doors read: "Whom virtue unites, death cannot separate".]] |
+ | [[Datei:Sarah1.jpg|thumb|400px|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: Ein Blick auf den Glockenturm der Schottischen Ritus Kathedrale, zeigt den neogotischen Stil des Glockenturms und der Fassade. A view of the bell tower of the Scottish Rite Cathedral, showcasing the Neo-Gothic style of the bell tower and facade.]] | ||
[[Datei:Sarah6.jpg|thumb|left|350px|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: The Tiler's Room. | [[Datei:Sarah6.jpg|thumb|left|350px|Foto mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von [ Sarah]: The Tiler's Room. |
Version vom 30. Oktober 2011, 22:14 Uhr
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Das Ost-Portal der Kathedrale. Der Glockenturm ist ca. 65 Meter hoch und beinhaltetet ein Glockenspiel mit 54 Tonglocken.
Scottish Rite Cathedral
Die Scottish Rite Cathedral befindet sich an der 650 N. Meridian Street in der Innenstadt von Indianapolis. Die Kathedrale wurde in den Jahren 1927-1929 im neugotischen Stil erbaut.
The Scottish Rite Cathedral is located at 650 N. Meridian Street in downtown Indianapolis. It was built in 1927-1929 in the Neo-Gothic style. The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry.

Musik. These windows depict Music (soothing the savage beast on the right), and if you look at the top of the window, you will see Mozart and Beethoven,
Bleiglasfenster / Stained glass windows
All pictures in this gallery with kindly permission of Sarah. Alle Fotos dieser Galerie mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von Sarah. On the other side of the south lounge at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, there are a series of art glass windows depicting the Arts and Sciences. These windows have a warmer light quality compared to the Masonic Degree windows because the artisans learned to incorporate precious metals (gold and silver) into the glass paints to preserve the true colors after firing.
Die Grade des Schottischen Ritus
In the loggia along one side of the south lounge in the Scottish Rite Cathedral are a series of art glass windows depicting the lessons of several degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. This first pair of windows depict (from left to right):
The Candidate (who must already be a third degree Master Mason from the Blue Lodge Masonic Order).Fourth Degree -- The Duty of Secrecy and Silence -- represented by Daniel. Fifth Degree -- Do Unto Others That Which You Would, They Should Do Unto You -- represented by feeding the wanderer. Sixth Degree -- Let There Be Perpetual Peace -- represented by a blacksmith forging swords into plowshares
Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows -- VII, VIII, IX, and X.The next set of Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows depict (from left to right): Seventh Degree -- represented by the judgment of Solomon. Eighth Degree -- Apply Yourself With Zeal to Your Allotted Work Remembering That The Lord Seeth. Ninth Degree. Tenth Degree -- The Cause of Free Speech, Free Thought, Free Tolerance
Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows -- XI, XII, XIII, and XIV. The third set of Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows depict (from left to right):Eleventh Degree -- Be Earnest, Honest, SIncere -- represented by the herdsman prophet Amos. Twelfth Degree -- Building For The Ages -- represented by Bezaleel the Builder. Thirteenth Degree -- No Task Too Difficult -- represented by Moses before Pharaoh (we all remember "Let my people go", right?). Fourteenth Degree -- Whom Virtue Unites, Death Cannot Separate -- represented by King David
Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows -- XV, XVI, XVIII, and XXXII. The fourth set of Scottish Rite Masonic Degree windows depict (from left to right): Fifteenth Degree -- Life Without Friends is Worthless -- represented by Zerubbabel rebuilding the Temple. Sixteenth Degree -- Great is Truth and Mighty Above All Things -- represented by Conferring the Degree of Prince of Jerusalem. Eighteenth Degree -- A New Commandment Give I Unto You, That You Love One Another -- represented by Jesus Christ. Thirty-Second Degree -- Spes Mea in Deo Est (My Hope is in God) -- represented by Knight Kadosh -- Technically, the 32nd degree is the highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry, though a 33rd degree may be awarded at the discretion of the leadership of the order.