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Er starb am 14. Oktober 2015
Er starb am 14. Oktober 2015
== Excellent work of historical importance! ==
== Excellent work of historical importance! ==

Aktuelle Version vom 20. Dezember 2020, 20:10 Uhr

Jeva Singh- Anand: The English portion at the bottom is from a poem by Edward Young. The top portion is in German.
It begins, "Niemals wird die ausgemachte Wahrheit weniger geachtet, als ..." Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich danach abgeschnallt ... seine Handschrift ist weitaus schlimmer als meine. Und meine ist so schlimm, dass mich Frau Matschke mich in der 5. Klasse zum Exempel gemacht hat.
Oh, wie ich die OSF hasste ...

Jeva Singh-Anand

Jeva Singh-Anand war Freimaurer. Er ist in Deutschland aufgewachsen. in den USA hatver sich einen Namen als frm. Schriftsteller, Historiker und Übersetzer gemacht.

Er starb am 14. Oktober 2015

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Excellent work of historical importance!

(Bitte übersetzen)

Von Shawn M. Gorley - Veröffentlicht auf

Format: Gebundene Ausgabe

You would be hard pressed in the recent months to find a Freemason who has not seen or heard the hype pertaining to the release of the book “The Secret School of Wisdom” edited by Josef Wäges, Reinhard Markner and translated to English by Jeva Singh-Anand and published by Lewis Masonic. It was quite apparent that the work they had compiled was going to be something special and one of a kind and their efforts in marketing the book showed this. Let me start out by stating after reading this book, all the hype, build up and anticipation of this unique book was highly worth the wait! The team that made this historic work possible have done an extraordinary job.

If you are interested in learning just exactly what the real Bavarian Illuminati was, what it was about, how it came to be and more you will undoubtedly enjoy this book. However, if you are looking for easy answers about what famous movie stars are members and how it is connected to Hollywood as well as the so called “plots for world domination”, I can assure you that not only does it not exist in those terms, but you will also most certainly be disappointed because this book does not deal with fiction or hearsay, it does however deal strictly with fact. In the past several hundred years the Illuminati has easily become the whipping boy for all sorts of conspiracy theorists and it’s not at all surprising that it has because there simply was not enough information readily available to the general public to contradict the hundreds of silly and false claims. This book uncovers the much desired information and documentation that has been desired by students of history and the fact that it covers the topic of the Illuminati and does so in the English language is what makes this work not only one of a kind but historical as well. This work will without a doubt uncover any mysteries, preconceived ideas or notions one who thinks they know the real truth may have as well as provide the reader with factual, accurate and concise information, some of which has never been available in the English language much less accessible to the average person.

The Illuminati, founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) had only lasted nine short years when it was suppressed in 1785. During its short existence however it did manage to have a profound effect. Weishaupt, a professor of natural and canon law at the University of Ingolstadt at the time of its inception began to develop the secret society of freethinkers. The purpose of said secret society was to oppose superstition, bigotry and oppression as well as to embrace the ideals of equality, fraternity, and intellectual enlightenment which, given the period of history that this took place in one could imagine what risks such an organization would face. Even with that in mind the fraternity did prove to be quite popular having initiated several hundred members into its three degree system beginning with Novice, Minerval and, Illuminated degrees, which do seem to appear somewhat similar with Freemasonry. Over the years the Illuminati has generally gotten a bad rap as some sort of evil world domination society that still exists today which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Shortly after the disintegration of the order in 1785, lost of the original documents of this society were ordered seized by the government and sadly Weishaupt was banished from his own country. Is it no wonder then why there have been centuries of misinformation and conspiracy theories related to the Illuminati since, along with its confusion in relation to the fraternity of Freemasonry as both fraternities are similar in some aspects? With such a lack of credible factually accurate documentation this is definitely no surprise. These are the very reasons why this book “The Secret School of Wisdom” is so vitally important to truly understanding what the Illuminati were.

I find this book to not only be extremely valuable to any aspiring student as it does make for great source material but it also has a great deal of value to the casual reader whom is merely interested in this topic. The other added bonus I found was that this book does not appear to be written and compiled for any specific genre, group or type of person as it can be easily understood and enjoyed by anyone and I firmly believe that this will allow this work a much greater audience and the high probability of sales across the board.

Overall, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It truly is a historic piece of literature covering a very misunderstood society. This is definitely a book that has been long overdue for centuries and my deepest congratulations to the entire team that made this book possible. It is because of them that we now have the ability to truly understand the secret society that was the Illuminati and I for one am grateful to them for that!

The Secret School of Wisdom

Edited by Josef Wäges, Reinhard Markner

Translated by Jeva Singh-Anand

© 2015, Published by Lewis Masonic,445 pages.