En:Historical Wax-Seals
Below each seal picture is the name of the original Lodge.
Pictured above are historical wax-seals found on precious Masonic documents of mainly German Freemason-Lodges. These materials are now entrusted to the Prussian Secret State Archives, stored in the collection of seals is a new stock. They were purchased in 2006 by Dresdner Lodge "Zu den drei Schwertern und Asträa zur grünenden Raute" ("Along with three swords and the Astraea ) ". It was an accidental attic discovery by the members of Lodge "Zu den drei Bergen" i.O. Freiberg (Sachsen) (Saxony). Whose real treasure of German Masonic-history was hidden in 1933 due to Nazis-chastisement.
Some of those Lodges no longer exist, because Freemasons where being persecuted and many of them were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. Some of the older seals show Lodge-names, now in Poland-Territory
This wax-seal-compilation is stored correctly [in the Saxon State and University Library] with permission from the biggest European Masonic-Encyclopaedia www.freimaurer-wiki.de and his cooperations.
We thank the “sword-brothers” for the release of the material for the Masonic Wiki. In particular Pictokon and brother Thomas Jacob for their support: Pictokon Research and Data Archive: www.pictokon.net/
Frankfurt am Mayn, "Große Provinzial Loge" and "Sokrates zur Standhaftigkeit" also Lodge in Fürth "Zur Freundschaft und Wahrheit"
Oldenburg - Seal of Masonic-Lodge "Zum goldnen Hirsch"
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Plauen [Germany, Sachsen, Vogtland]Seal of Masonic-Lodge "Zu den drey Flammen"
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Breslau "Zur Säule", Bromberg "Zum Janus" Berlin "Große Loge Royal York zur Freundschaft", Brieg "Zur aufgehenden Sonne", Braunschweig "Zur gekrönten Säule".
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Stargard "Augusta zur goldenen Krone", Stargard "Zum Schild", Stettin "Zu den drei goldenen Ankern", Schwedt "Zum Tempel der Tugend", Salzwedel "Johannes zum Wohl der Menschheit", and Stralsund "Loge Gustav Adolph zu den 3 ... im Orient Stralsund"
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Greifswald, "Zu den drei Greifen" 1763 bis 1800, Greifswald [Greifswalde] "Zu den drei Greifen" after 1800, Glatz "Zu den drei Triangeln", Graudenz "Viktoria zu den drei gekrönten Türmen" [Viktoria z. d. drey gekrönt. Thürmen], Gotha "Ernst zum Kompaß"
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Magdeburg "Ferdinand zur Glückseligkeit", Münden "Pythagoras zu den drei Strömen", Münster "Zu den drei Balken des neuen Tempels" Zu den drey Balken the new temple, Meseritz "Lodge Luise zur Unsterblichkeit", Meiningen "Charlotte zu den drei Nelken"
Seal of Masonic-Lodge Dresden Asträa zur grünenden Raute
Logensiegel George zu den drei grünenden Säulen
Hannoversch Münden "Pythagoras zu den drey Strömen"
Münster "Zu den drey Balken des neuen Tempels"
Oldenburg "Zum goldenen Hirsch"
Hamburg Altona "Carl zum Felsen", Altenburg
Cottbus und Cassel "Zur vollkommenen Eintracht und Freundschaft"
Königsberg "Zum Todtenkopf"