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Quelle: Internationales Freimaurer-Lexikon von Eugen Lennhoff und Oskar Posner (1932)

Geheimgesellschaft, die um das Jahr 1783 in England bestand und deren Einweihungszeremonien im "British Magazine" des gleichen Jahres beschrieben werden. Der Vorsitzende hieß "Das Original". Eine der zahllosen Nachahmungen der Freimaurerei ohne eigentlichen Zusammenhang, die als Form klubmäßiger Geselligkeit im XVIII. Jahrhundert in England sehr beliebt waren. Das Ritual ist abgedruckt in Mackeys Enzyklopädie. (Fehlt bei W o l f s t i e g.)

Original. Haben Sie genug Vertrauen um ein Original zu werden? Have you faith enough to be made an Original? Candidate. I have. Ich habe. Original. Will you be conformable to all honest rules which may support steadily the honor, reputation, welfare, and dignity of our ancient undertaking? Candidate. I will. Original. Then, friend, promise me that you will never stray from the paths of Honor, Freedom, Honesty, Sincerity, Prudence, Modesty, Reputation, Sobriety, and 'True Friendship. Candidate. I do. Which done, the Crier of the Court commanded silence, and the new member, being uncovered, and dropping on his right knee, had the following oath administered to him by the Servant, the new member laying his right hand on the Cap of Honor, and Nimrod holding a staff over his head: "You swear by the Cap of Honor, by the Collar of Freedom, by the Coat of Honesty, by the Jacket of Sincerity, by the Shirt of Prudence, by the Breeches of Modesty, by the Garters of Reputation, by the Stockings of Sobriety, and by the Steps of True Friendship, never to depart from these laws." Then rising, with the staff resting on his head he received a copy of the laws from the hands of the Grand Original, with these words, "Enjoy the benefits hereof." He then delivered the copy of the laws to the care of the servant, after which the word was given by the secretary to the new member, namely: Eden, signifying the garden where ADAM, the great aboriginal, was formed.