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Scottish Rite Cathedral
Die Scottish Rite Cathedral befindet sich an der 650 N. Meridian Street in der Innenstadt von Indianapolis. Die Kathedrale wurde in den Jahren 1927-1929 im neugotischen Stil erbaut.
The Scottish Rite Cathedral is located at 650 N. Meridian Street in downtown Indianapolis. It was built in 1927-1929 in the Neo-Gothic style. The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry.
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Sarah: Eastern portal of the Scottish Rite. This is the eastern entrance of the Sottish Rite Cathedral (located on Meridian Street). The portal features the Masonic double-headed eagle of Lagash and sculptures of the first Grand Masters. The words above the doors read: "Whom virtue unites, death cannot separate".
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Sarah: A view of the bell tower of the Scottish Rite Cathedral, showcasing the Neo-Gothic style of the bell tower and facade.
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Sarah: Eastern portal of the Scottish Rite. A view up the bell tower facade from street level. The bell tower rises 212 feet and contains a 54-bell carillon.
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Sarah: Tiler's Room floor medallion In the center of the floor of the Tiler's Room is this medallion. In the center is the Masonic Double-headed Eagle of Lagash with the slogan "Spes mea in deo est" (My hope is in God). The eagle is surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac and the three symbols of Scottish Rite Freemasonry (in the larger circles). The signs of zodiac were included in this design to remind Scottish Rite members to pursue enlightenment in all 12 months of the year.
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Sarah: Above the eastern portal. The art glass windows above the eastern portal into the Scottish Rite. Most of the windows are art glass, not traditional stained glass. The figures and details are painted onto the glass, which is then fired to set the designs.