En: A Collection of Masonic Trivia
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Version vom 2. Mai 2017, 12:55 Uhr von Urbantactics (Diskussion | Beiträge) (En: A Collection of Masonic Trivia)
A Collection of Masonic Trivia
Not wanting to give too much away I selected one example per site which are in itself fine collections of Masonic Trivia:
- http://www.masonicsites.org/masonictrivia.html Example: A Brother was initiated on August 23, 1879 by Lodge #239 in a balloon flying over Paris.
- http://hemetmasons.com/index.php/resources/articles-documents/2-masonic-trivia Example: In 1799, Barton Lodge in Upper Canada accepted “good merchantable wheat” in payment of lodge dues.
- http://www.lodgedevotion.net/devotionnews/short-articles-for-your-lodge-summons-or-newsletter/masonic-trivia Example: By 1955 one in 16 Australian men was a Freemason.
- http://saintjohns51.com/masonic-trivia/ Example: The examination of a candidate for proficiency in the previous degree was first introduced in 1850 in Louisiana.
- http://www.unionlodge48.org/about_trivia.html Example: At one time, Golden Lodge #5, Stanstead, Canada occupied a lodge room, which straddled the boundary between Canada and the United States. There were entrances on both sides of the border.
- http://www.reaganlodge1037.org/masonic_trivia.htm Example: Is the Goose and Gridiron Ale-house still standing? It was torn down in 1894.