Knights Templar
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
Version vom 27. September 2017, 11:55 Uhr von Urbantactics (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Formatiert - Ausbaufähig)
Wm. Bromwell Melish (LOC) Flickr Commons The Libraray of congress. Ca 1910. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,
Cincinnati businessman, President of Bromwell Brush and Wire Goods, and Masonic leader; b. 1852, m. Sallie Gatch, father of two (May and Thomas).
Melish was a Templar bigwig: as Right Eminent Deputy Grandmaster and Acting Most Eminent Grandmaster of the United States, he led the 31st national conclave of Knights Templar in Chicago, in 1910. The total of attendees and guests was estimated at 500,000. Item in the New York Times, August 7, 1910.
Cincinnati businessman, President of Bromwell Brush and Wire Goods, and Masonic leader; b. 1852, m. Sallie Gatch, father of two (May and Thomas).
Melish was a Templar bigwig: as Right Eminent Deputy Grandmaster and Acting Most Eminent Grandmaster of the United States, he led the 31st national conclave of Knights Templar in Chicago, in 1910. The total of attendees and guests was estimated at 500,000. Item in the New York Times, August 7, 1910.
Knight Templars
Quelle: Freimaurer-wiki York Ritus,
Rittermaurerei (Chivalric Masonry)
Das System der Knights Templar (Tempelritter), umfaßt folgende Orden (Masonic Orders of Christian Knigthood):
- X° Knight of the Red Cross (auch Companion).
- XII° Knight Templar,
- Knight of St. John
- XI° Knight of Malta. Ritter von Malta
Dazu kommt gelegentlich noch als Anhängsel der Mediterranean Pass oder Knight of St. Paul. Die Grade der Knights Templar werden in Commanderies, Komtureien, erteilt. Die Chapters sind in jedem Staat im Grand Chapter zusammengeschlossen, die Councils im Grand Council, die Commanderies im Encampment. Für die Vereinigten Staaten gibt es ein General Grand Chapter of the USA., einen General Council und ein Grand Encampent (s. alle diese Grade).
Siehe auch
- Bromwell Melish bei Wikipedia