En: Roberto M. Sanchez

Roberto M. Sanchez is a very active Freemason. He is a Past Master of seven masonic lodges and has presided over 30 different masonic organizations.
Roberto has traveled the world exploring Freemasonry and has given lectures on the subject all over the United States and across Latin America, Canada and Europe. Roberto was the original Curator, Historian and Librarian for the Houston Masonic Library Museum and served on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
- 32° K.C.C.H. - Houston Scottish Rite
- Past Master of Gray Lodge № 329.
- District Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas.
- Past Grand Master Gran Logia del Estado de Mexico
- Curator, historian, and librarian for the Houston Masonic Library Museum.
- Author of "The True Masonic Experience"
The True Masonic Experience
Book Synopsis
This book is written in the spirit of Traditional Masonry, Traditional being that of the beginning origins of Speculative Freemasonry. Several of our most honorable and ancient traditions are not being practiced; even in some cases they are illegal in some jurisdictions. In so many lodges today, the real intent of a True Masonic Experience is not being observed. We have gotten away from what our forefathers originally intended, we have become satisfied with the fellowship endured over a spaghetti dinner on paper plates, and that is not Freemasonry. Why is it that we as Freemasons have tried to turn masonry into something that it is not and have veered away from some of the foundations of the order? This book explores these venues and aid you to achieve the True Masonic Experience for you and the members of your Lodge
See also
- About the book "The True Masonic Experience" by Roberto M. Sanchez http://www.artcrimeillustrated.com/2017/12/the-true-masonic-experience-by-roberto.html