Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill
Quelle:Lennhoff, Posner, Binder
(William Frederick Cody), berühmter amerikanischer Büffeljäger, * 1845, † 1917, tollkühner Kämpfer im Sioux-Krieg, in Europa bekannt durch seine Wildwest-Schau und farbigen Abenteuerbücher, war Mitglied der Platt Valley Lodge, Nebraska.
Quelle: http://www.lodgestpatrick.co.nz/famous.php
Cody wurde in die "Platte Valley Lodge No.15" in Nebraska aufgenommen.
Berühmte Freimaurer in Nebraska
- Robert C. Jordan: Capitol Lodge No. 3 - Erster Großmeister von Nebraska.
- George W. Lininger: Capitol Lodge No. 3.
- William Jennings Bryan: Lincoln Lodge No. 19.
- William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody: Platte Valley Lodge No. 32.
- Gerald R. Ford, 33°. Geboren in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1913. A Michigan Mason.
- Peter Kiewit: George W. Lininger Lodge No. 268.
- John J. Pershing, 33°: Lincoln Lodge No. 19.
- Nathan Roscoe Pound: Lancaster Lodge No. 54.
- Wikipedia https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bill
- Masonic Sourcebook http://www.masonicsourcebook.com/buffalo_bill_cody_mason_bio.htm
- MasonicWorld http://www.masonicworld.com/education/files/may03/buffalo_bill.htm
- Grand Lodge of British Comubia and Yukon http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/cody_w/cody_w.html
Weitere Informationen in englischer Sprache
Buffalo Bill was Raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on January 10th 1871.
Masonic Life official info:
Brother, William Frederick Cody. "Buffalo Bill" (1846-1917)
Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, North Platte, Nebraska
Entered Apprentice: March 5, 1870
Fellowcraft: April 2 1870
Master Mason: January 10, 1871
1887 member of Euphrates Chapter No. 15, Royal Arch Masons, of North Platt, Nebraska
1889 member of Palestine Commandery No. 13. North Platt, Nebraska
1892 Tangier Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Omaha, Nebraska.
1894 He became a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America in the Valley of New York City.
In the American Civil War (1861–65), he worked for the U.S. Army as a civilian scout.
In 1867–68 he hunted buffalo to feed construction crews on the Union Pacific Railroad.
Cody acquired a reputation not only for accurate marksmanship but also for total recall of the vast terrain he had traversed, knowledge of Indian ways, courage, and endurance. He was in demand as a scout and guide.
He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1872, but the award was revoked in 1916 on the ground that he was not an officer or an enlisted man in the army (scouts were classified as civilians). The U.S. Army restored the Medal of Honor to Cody posthumously in 1989.
In 1883 Cody organized his first Wild West exhibition—a spectacular featuring fancy shooting, a buffalo hunt, capture of the Deadwood (S.D.) stagecoach, a Pony Express ride, hard-riding cowboys, and yelling Indians. His stars included Annie Oakley, the famous rifle shot, and, in 1885, Chief Sitting Bull. His Wild West show so popular that by 1883 it appeared at the Chicago World's Fair and four years later was presented to Queen Victoria during her Golden Jubilee. _____________________ Buffalo Bill Historical Center 720 Sheridan Avenue Cody, Wyoming. _____________________ The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave 987 1/2 Lookout Mountain Road, Golden, CO website: http://www.buffalobill.org/