En:Job's Daughters
Job's Daughters

References: “History of Job’s Daughters” by Dr. William H. Mick, pg. 7-25 in Suggestive Ideas by E.T.W. Mick. Publication date unknown; out of print. “Official History of the IOJD SGC 1961" by SGC Committee 1961 and 1966, published by the SGC. Copies available from the SGC Office. Omaha: the Gate city, and Douglas County, Nebraska; (Volume 2) . (page 78 of 99)
About Job's Daughters
Source: Masonic Life on facebook
Job's Daughters International is the ONLY international organization for girls that requires ALL OF ITS MEMBERS to have a relationship to a Master Mason. ~ Founded in 1920 by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, Job's Daughters International is an organization of young women with members in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines and Brazil.
Members have fun together at activities such as swimming parties, dances, family picnics, slumber parties, miniature golf, marching in parades and so much more. In Job's Daughters you will make new friends that will last a lifetime.
Job's Daughters perform service projects to help their community and the less fortunate. We actively support the Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment (HIKE) Fund, which purchases hearing assistive devices for hearing impaired children.
Job's Daughters can qualify for various scholarships that are offered on a state and national level. We also gain valuable leadership experience, serve as part of a team, and learn democratic principles as they run their own meetings, decide our own activities, and plan our own events.
In short, Job's Daughters International offers the qualities that today's young women want and need from organizations that earn their commitment: fun, friendship, helping others and the chance to learn organizational and leadership skills.
For information on how to join Job's Daughters, please contact the Executive Manager at sgc@iojd.org. Make sure you let your parents know that you are interested in joining.
With thousands of members across the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Brazil, Job's Daughters offers you a limitless array of opportunities. If you are a young lady between the ages of 10 and 20, and would like more information on how you can join in the fun, be sure to talk to your parents and then e-mail the Executive Manager at sgc@iojd.org with your name, age, address, and phone number, and we will do the rest. Remember to tell your parents that you are interested in joining, and that someone will be contacting you soon to give you more information.
Founder of Job’s Daughters
She was born March 9th, 1881 in Atlantic, Iowa. passed away on February 21, 1957. Burial was at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Omaha Nebraska, USA Section 19, Lot 39.
Mrs. Mick was able to trace her descent both through her father’s and her mother’s family to the Mayflower company, notable ancestors being William Brewster, Anne Hathaway (wife of Wm. Shakespeare), Governor Preuce, the Colthanes, Anne Hutchinson, Stephen Foster and others.
As a child her family was a closely knit one and very religious. Her mother read Bible stories nightly to her children and often referred to the Book of Job, quoting as in an ideal philosophy to her daughters that “in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job” and stating her hope that her personal trials and tribulations might also be rewarded by her daughters becoming as “fair as the daughters of Job.” This left a lasting impression on her Daughter Ethel which eventually resulted in the founding of the International Order of Job’s Daughters.
While attending the Creighton Medical College in Omaha, Nebraska, Ethel Wead became acquainted with William Henry Mick, a fellow medical student and they were married in May, 1904. They had two daughters Ethel (Mrs. C. Spencer Shotwell) and Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. A. J. A. Brideau), and two grand-sons William and Alfred Brideau.
Mrs. Mick was a charter Member of the Nebraska Mayflower Association, and a member of Nu Sigma Phi (a medical sorority), the Daughters of 1812, Daughters of the American Revolution, White Shrine of Jerusalem. She organized and was the first Matron of Ak-Sar-Ben Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star; the first President of the East Cleveland Chapter of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; and of course, the organizer and founder of the International Order of Job’s Daughters.
Her hobbies included singing, oil painting on canvas, china painting, reading, traveling and her clubs.
The International Order of Job's Daughters was founded in Omaha, Nebraska in 1920 by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, or Mother Mick as the members affectionately call her. Mother Mick, realizing the importance of the early training she received from her Christian mother, and especially the beautiful lessons in literature and drama as found in the Book of Job, decided to give her time and talent to make it possible for all young women of Masonic relationship to share the rare privileges that were hers. After several years of careful study and consideration with the assistance of her husband Dr. William H. Mick and other capable workers, she founded the International Order of Job's Daughters, in honor and memory of her mother, Elizabeth D. Wead.
The purpose of the Order was to band together young girls with Masonic relationship for character building through moral and spiritual development by teaching a greater reverence for God and the Holy Scriptures: loyalty to the Flag and the Country for which it stands, and respect for parents and Guardians. The organization was named "Job's Daughters" after the three daughters of Job in the Bible. The organization was founded on the 15th verse of the 42nd Chapter of the Book of Job: "In all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren."
In 1920 weekly meetings were held in the upstairs “family parlor” of the Mick residence. The Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron, Order of Eastern Star of Nebraska and other leading Masonic related persons were in attendance. The Grand Master of Masons and the Grand Lodge in Nebraska approved and lauded the formation of such a group for young women.
The Order was historically founded on October 20, 1920, at which time it was definitely decided to adopt the carefully developed plans of Mrs. Mick and the weekly planning group, and to proceed with the forming of the Order. The Executive Council was formed on January 19, 1921, when the Executive Council Officers were chosen.
The first initiation was held May 6, 1921 in the Omaha Masonic Temple. On May 27, 1921, the Order of Job’s Daughters was formally organized at a called meeting held in the office of Dr. Mick. The first Annual Meeting of the Supreme Guardian Council was held in October 14, 1921. The first Charter granted was issued to Bethel No. 1 of Omaha on December 31, 1921.
The authority to proceed with this organization was jointly granted by Most Worshipful J. B. Fradenburg, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Anna J. Davis, and the Worthy Grand Patron, James E. Bednar of the Grand Chapter of Eastern Star of Nebraska. Many prominent members of the Masonic Fraternity and Eastern Star from other states not only assisted in the formative stages but were active for many years in this remarkable youth movement.
The ritual of the Order is designed to teach young girls that throughout their lives they will face many trials and tribulations, and will experience adversities of many kinds, but if faith prevails, the ultimate result will be the eventual restoration of all that is good and worthwhile.
They also are taught the Lord's Prayer as a daily supplication to God, taught to love the flag of their country and the government for which it stands, taught to promote love and respect for all worthy persons, especially their elders, and taught love for all the world
Job's Daughters are organized into "Bethels", meaning Holy Places. In addition there is a Supreme Guardian Council, and Grand Guardian Councils. There are chartered Bethels in the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and the Philippines. Members of a Bethel elect their own officers, decide their own activities, and plan their own events. It is not simply a social organization. While the girls do have fun activities such as swimming parties, dances, family picnics, slumber parties, miniature golf, marching in parades, and travel, they also develop leadership skills by holding various offices. And they grow morally and assume civic and charitable responsibilities. Throughout the year, they perform service projects to help their community, the less fortunate, and other charities.
Book of Job, 42nd chapter, 15th verse says, "In all the land were no women found so fair as the Daughters of Job, and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren"
Job's Daughters are the relatives of Master Masons and from them receive their heritage. To be a member of Job's Daughters you must be between the ages of 10 and 20 and be a direct descendant of a Master Mason.
References: History of Job’s Daughters by Dr. William H. Mick, pg. 7-25 in Suggestive Ideas by E.T.W. Mick. Publication date unknown; out of print.
History of the International Order of Job’s Daughters, 1921-1965, published by the Supreme Guardian Council; reprinted 1989.
Official History of the IOJD SGC 1961 by SGC Committee 1961 and 1966, published by the SGC. Copies available from the SGC Office.
Information furnished by her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Brideau.
Wikipedia on Job's Daughters International
Job's Daughters International is a Masonic-sponsored youth organization for girls and young women aged 10 to 20. The organization is commonly referred to as simply Job's Daughters, and sometimes abbreviated as JDI (or IOJD, referring to its longtime former name, International Order of Job's Daughters). Job's Daughters welcomes many religions and cultures.
The presiding officer of the Bethel is the Honored Queen or in Canada & Australia "Honoured Queen" and in Brazil "Honorável Rainha", elected by the members of her Bethel. This position is roughly analogous to Worshipful Master in a Masonic Lodge, and to the President of an association of any kind. The Honored Queen is assisted in her duties by a Senior Princess and a Junior Princess. The Senior Princess is usually considered to be next in line as Honored Queen. Girls who finish a term as Honored Queen use the title Past Honored Queen (abbreviated PHQ) within Job's Daughters, and usually receive a pin commemorating their service. The elected officers are referred to as the "line officers", or in some Bethels the "Elect Five" or "Top Five", of the Bethel, meaning that in general, a Daughter is elected sequentially from the lowest position (Marshal) to the highest position (Honored Queen).
The ritual of the Order was drawn up by Le Roy T. Wilcox, a scholar of Masonic law, and the group came "under the general management of the Masonic order".
See also
- Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job%27s_Daughters_International
- Job's Daughters International website http://www.jobsdaughtersinternational.org/