En:The Norwegian Order of Freemasons

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The Norwegian Order of Freemasons

Source: Norske Frimurerorden http://www.frimurer.no/index.php/english/37-english-pages/48-the-norwegian-order-of-freemasons

The Norwegian Order of Freemasons is a detached independent body of men from all walks of life and from all parts of the country. They meet regularly initially to work on their personal development. These meetings which are based on Christian Faith are conducted with dignity and bound in traditionThe idea and aim of Freemasonry is to influence the process of ennoblement and personal improvement by promoting humility, tolerance and compassion. Those qualities which the members master in the lodge should be practised in their daily lives.

These human qualities can of course be attained and practised by others who are not freemasons, but the Order of Freemasons is an organisation where this thought has taken a practical form which enables its members to develop it through ancient rituals, and with dignity.

The Norwegian Order of Freemasons does not engage itself in national or international political issues, nor does it engage itself in religious or social disputes. The members shall show loyalty to the authority and laws of the country. They shall show respect for the Order itself and the aims of Freemasonry.

See also