En: List of Masonic Grand Lodges
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List of Masonic Grand Lodges
These lists were found on Wikipedia.org. Further notes and references on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Masonic_Grand_Lodges
Please note: as you will find stated on the original site "not all Grand Lodges and Grand Orients recognize each other as being legitimate. [...] Inclusion criteria only establish a physical (as against an internet) presence, and lodges which meet as masons."
Jurisdictional area | Grand Lodge Name | Website |
Benin | Grand Bénin de la République du Bénin (Great Benin of the Republic of Benin) | http://www.gb-rb.org/ |
Benin | Grande Loge du Bénin (Grand Lodge of Bénin) | http://www.grandelogedubenin.org/ |
Burkina Faso | Grande Loge du Burkina Faso (Grand Lodge of Burkina Faso) | |
Cameroon | Grande Loge Nationale du Cameroun (National Grand Lodge of Cameroon) | |
Cameroon | Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France | http://www.glff.org/ lessor-de-la-glff.html |
Cameroon | Grand Loge Unie du Cameroun (United Grand Lodge of Cameroon) | |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | Grande Loge Nationale du Congo du Rite Ancien et Primitif Memphis-Misraim | |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | Grande Loge de France, District Congo (Grand Lodge of France, Congo District) | http://www.gldf.org/contacts/gldf-ou-sommes-nous.html |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | Grand Orient du Congo (Grand Orient of the Congo) | |
Congo, Republic of | Grande Loge du Congo | |
Congo, Republic of | Grands Orient & Loge Associés du Congo (Associated Grand Orient and Lodge of the Congo) | |
Gabon | Grande Loge du Gabon (Grand Lodge of Gabon) | |
Gabon | Grande Loge Symbolique du Gabon (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Gabon) | http://www.glsg.info/ |
Gabon | Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France | |
Guinea | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Guinée Conackry | |
Ivory Coast | Grande Loge de Côte d'Ivoire (Grand Lodge of the Ivory Coast) | |
Ivory Coast | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Côte d'Ivoire | |
Liberia | Grand Lodge of the Republic of Liberia | |
Madagascar | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Madagascar (Le Droit Humain, Madagascar Juridiction) | |
Madagascar | Grande Loge Nationale de Madagascar (National Grand Lodge of Madagascar) | http://www.glnm.org/ |
Madagascar | Grand Rite Malgache | |
Mali | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Mali (Le Droit Humain, Mali Jurisdiction) | http://www.droit-humain.org/mali/ |
Mali | Grande Loge Nationale Malienne (National Grand Lodge of Mali) | |
Mauritius | Grand Lodge of Mauritius | http://www.glmasonica.com/ |
Mauritius | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Ile Maurice (Le Droit Humain, Mauritius Juridiction) | |
Morocco | Grande Loge du Maroc | http://www.glm.ma/entree.htm |
Morocco | Grande Loge unie du Maroc (United Grand Lodge of Morocco) | http://www.grandelogeuniedumaroc.ma/ |
Morocco | Grande Loge Féminine du Maroc (Women's Grand Lodge of Morocco) | |
Morocco | Grande Loge Régulière du Royaume du Maroc (Regular Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of Morocco) (GLRRM) | |
Nigeria | District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (UGLE) | http://www.dgln.org/DGLN/ Welcome.html |
Nigeria | Grand Lodge of Nigeria | |
Senegal | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Sénégal | |
Senegal | Grand Lodge of Senegal | |
Senegal | Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France | |
South Africa | Grand Lodge of South Africa | http://www.grandlodge.co.za/ |
South Africa | South African Federation, The International Order of Co-Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain | http://www.droit-humain.org/ southafrica/ |
Togo | Grande Loge Nationale Togolaise (National Grand Lodge of Togo) | http://www.glnt.org/ |
Togo | Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Togo (Le Droit Humain, Togo Jurisdiction) |
Country | State | Grand Lodge Name | Website |
China (Peoples Republic of) | Hong Kong | District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East | http://www.zetlandhall.com |
China (Peoples Republic of) | Hong Kong | Provincial Grand Lodge of the Far East | http://www.pglfe.org/ |
China (Peoples Republic of) | Hong Kong | District Grand Lodge of the Far East | |
India | Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. of India | http://www.masonindia.org | |
India | Madras | District Grand Lodge of Madras | http://www.dglofmadras.com |
India | Bombay | District Grand Lodge of Bombay | http://www.dglbombay.org/ |
India | Bengal | District Grand Lodge of Bengal | |
India | Northern India | District Grand Lodge of Northern India | |
Israel | Grand Lodge of the State of Israel A.F. & A.M. | http://www.freemasonry.org.il/ | |
Israel | The New Grand Lodge Jerusalem of Freemasons in Israel. | http://www.freemasons.co.il/ | |
Israel | Le Droit Humain - Israeli Jurisdiction | http://www.droit-humain.org/israel/anglais.html | |
Japan | Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Japan | ||
Japan | Grand Lodge of Japan | http://www.grandlodgeofjapan.org/ | |
Lebanon | Grand Unified Lebanese Lodge | http://www.gullodge.com | |
Lebanon | District Grand Lodge of Syria and Lebanon | ||
Lebanon | Grand Loge Bet-El | http://www.glbet-el.org/english%20%20home.html | |
Philippines | Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of the Philippines | http://www.grandlodgephils.org.ph/2012/ | |
Taiwan (Republic of China) | Grand Lodge of China, F. & A.M. | http://www.grandlodge-china.org/ |
Australia and Oceania
Country | State | Grand Lodge Name | Website |
Australia | Le Droit Humain - Australian federation | http://freemasonryformenandwomen.org.au/ | |
Australia | New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory | United Grand Lodge of New South Wales A.F. & A.M. | http://www.uglnsw.freemasonry.org.au/ |
Australia | Queensland | United Grand Lodge of Queensland A.F. & A.M. | http://www.uglq.org.au/ |
Australia | South Australia and Northern Territory | Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory A.F & A.M. | http://www.santfreemasons.org.au/ |
Australia | Tasmania | Grand Lodge of Tasmania A.F. & A.M. | http://www.freemasonrytasmania.org/ |
Australia | Victoria | United Grand Lodge of Victoria A.F. & A.M. | http://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/ |
Australia | Western Australia | Grand Lodge of Western Australia A.F. & A.M. | http://www.freemasonswa.org.au/ |
New Zealand | Grand Lodge of New Zealand A.F. & A.M. | http://www.freemasons.co.nz/ | |
Tahiti | La Grande Loge Régulière de Tahiti et des Archipels (Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos) (GLRT) | http://www.glp-pf.org/advglrt/ |
Jurisdictional area | Grand Lodge Name | Website |
Albania | Lozha e Madhe e Shqipërisë (Grand Lodge of Albania) | https://www.facebook.com/LozhaeMadheeShqiperise |
Andorra | Gran Lògia d'Andorra (Grand Lodge of Andorra) | http://gran-logia-andorra.com/en/ |
Armenia | Grand Lodge of Armenia | http://www.glofarmenia.org/ |
Austria | Großloge von Österreich (The Grand Lodge of Austria A.F. & A.M.) | http://www.freimaurerei.at/ |
Austria | Großorient von Österreich (Grand Orient of Austria) | http://www.freimaurer.at/ |
Austria | Grand Lodge Humanitas | http://www.gl-humanitas.com/ |
Austria | Droit Humain of Austria | http://www.droit-humain.org/osterreich/ |
Belgium | Fédération Belge du Droit Humain / Belgische federatie van Droit Humain (le Droit Humain, Belgian Federation) | http://www.droit-humain.be/public/index.php/ fr/la-federation-belge-du-droit-humain |
Belgium | Grande Loge de Belgique / Grootloge van België (Grand Lodge of Belgium) | http://www.glb.be/ |
Belgium | Grande Loge féminine de Belgique / Vrouwengrootloge van België (Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium) | http://www.glfb-vglb.be/ |
Belgium | Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique / Reguliere Grootloge van België (Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium) | http://www.glrb.net/ |
Belgium | Grand Orient de Belgique (Grand Orient of Belgium) | http://www.gob.be |
Bulgaria | Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Bulgaria | http://www.grandlodgebg.com/ |
Bulgaria | United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria | http://www.grandlodge-bulgaria.org/ |
Bulgaria | Grand Lodge of Bulgaria | http://www.glb.bg/ |
Croatia | Velika loža starih, slobodnih i prihvacenih zidara Hrvatske (Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Croatia) | http://www.freemasonry-croatia.org/indexen.htm |
Cyprus | Grand Lodge of Cyprus | |
Czech Republic | Veliká Lóže Ceské Republiky (Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic) | http://www.vlcr.cz/ |
Czech Republic | Velká lóže zemí Ceských (Grand Lodge of the Czech Lands) | http://www.vlzc.cz/ |
Czech Republic | Velká lóže svobodných a prijatých zednáru Humanitas Bohemia | http://www.humanitas-bohemia.cz/ |
Denmark | Danske Frimurerorden (Danish Order of Freemasons) | http://ddfo.dk |
Denmark | Storlogen af Danmark (Grand Lodge of Denmark) | http://www.storlogen-af-danmark.dk/index.html |
Estonia | Grand Lodge of Estonia | http://www.eestisl.ee/ |
Finland | Suomen Suurloosi / Storlogen i Finland (Grand Lodge of F. & A. Masons of Finland) | http://www.vapaamuurarit.fi/?id=372&o=In%20English |
Finland | Le Droit Humain Suomen Liitto / Internationella Sam-Frimurarorden Le Droit Humain Finska Förbundet | http://www.yhteisvapaamuurarit.fi/en/index.php |
France | Fédération française de l'Ordre maçonnique mixte international le Droit Humain (le Droit Humain - French Federation) | http://www.droithumain-france.org/ |
France | Grande Loge de France (GLdF or GLF) | http://www.gldf.org/ |
France | Grande Loge Européenne de la Fraternité Universelle (European Grand Lodge of the Universal Fraternity, GLEFU) | http://www.glefu.org |
France | Grande Loge féminine de France (Women's Grand Lodge of France) | http://www.glff.org/ |
France | Grande loge écossaise réformée et rectifiée d'Occitanie | http://www.rite-ecossais-rectifie.org/ |
France | Grande Loge féminine de Memphis-Misraïm | http://www.glf-mm.org/ |
France | Grande Loge Française de Memphis-Misraïm | http://grandelogefrancaisedememphis misraim.fr |
France | Grande Loge mixte de France | http://www.glmf.fr |
France | Grande Loge mixte universelle | http://www.glmu.fr/ |
France | Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) | http://www.glnf.asso.fr/ |
France | Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (GLTSO) | http://www.gltso.org/ |
France | Grande Loge unie de France | http://www.gluf.org/ |
France | Grand Orient de France | http://www.godf.org |
France | Loge nationale française | http://www.logenationalefrancaise.fr/ |
France | Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l'Art royal | http://www.oitar.org/ |
Germany | Grand National Mother Lodge, "The Three Globes" (Große National-Mutterloge „Zu den drei Weltkugeln“) (GNML 3WK) | http://www.3wk.org |
Germany | Grand Landlodge of the Freemasons of Germany (Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland) (GLL FvD) | http://www.freimaurerorden.de |
Germany | Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD) | https://www.sgovd.org |
Germany | Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Germany (Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland) (GL AFuAMvD) | http://freimaurerei.de |
Germany | The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG) | http://gl-bfg.com |
Germany | American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) | http://www.acgl.us |
Germany | Le Droit Humain - Deutsche Jurisdiktion | http://www.droit-humain.de/ |
Germany | Humanitas - Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland | http://www.gemischte-freimaurerei.org |
Germany | Women's Grand Lodge of Germany (Frauen-Grossloge von Deutschland) (FGLvD) | http://www.freimaurerinnen.de |
Georgia | Grand Lodge of Georgia (Tbilisi) | http://www.aafm.ge/ |
Greece | International Masonic Order DELPHI | http://delphiorder.org/index.htm |
Greece | Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M. | http://www.grandlodge.gr/ |
Greece | National Grand Lodge of Greece | http://www.nglgreece.org |
Hungary | Magyarországi Symbolikus Nagypáholy (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary) | http://www.szabadkomuves.hu/picthtml.html |
Hungary | Magyarországi Nagyoriens (Grand Orient of Hungary) | http://www.nagyoriens.hu/ |
Iceland | Icelandic Order of Freemasons, Grand Lodge of Iceland | http://www.frmr.is |
Ireland | Grand Lodge of Ireland | http://www.irish-freemasons.org |
Italy | Grande Oriente d'Italia (Grand Orient of Italy) | http://www.grandeoriente.it |
Italy | Gran Loggia d’Italia (Grand Lodge of Italy) | http://www.granloggia.it |
Italy | Regular Grand Lodge of Italy | http://www.glri.it/it/?lang=en |
Italy | Gran Loggia Italiana | http://granloggiaitaliana.it/sito.html |
Italy | Gran Loggia Tradizionale d'Italia | http://granloggiatradizionale.com |
Italy | Gran Loggia Massonica Femminile d’Italia | http://www.granloggiafemminile.it |
Italy | Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia | http://www.glnitalia1805.it/ |
Latvia | Latvijas Lielloža | http://www.masonicum.lv/ |
Lithuania | Lietuvos laisvuju murininku Didžioji Lože AF & AM (Grand Lodge of Lithuania) | http://www.grandlodge.lt/ |
Luxembourg | Grande Loge du Luxembourg | http://grande-loge.lu/?lang=en |
Luxembourg | Grande Orient du Luxembourg | http://www.gol.lu/ |
Macedonia | The Grand Lodge of Macedonia | http://www.glm.org.mk/ |
Macedonia | Regular Grand Lodge of Macedonia | http://www.rglm.mk |
Malta | Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta | http://www.sglom.eu |
Moldova | Marea Loja a Moldovei (Grand Lodge of Moldova) | http://mlm.md/en/index.htm |
Monaco | La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco | http://glnrpm.com/ |
Montenegro | Velká Lóže Crne Gore (Grand Lodge of Montenegro) | http://www.gl-montenegro.co.me/ |
The Netherlands | Grootosteen van Nederlanden (Grand Orient of the Netherlands) | http://www.vrijmetselarij.nl/ |
The Netherlands | Grande Loge Mixte des Pays-Bas (Mixed Grand Lodge of the Low Countries) | http://www.nggv.nl/ |
Norway | Norwegian Order of Freemasons | http://www.frimurer.no/ |
Poland | National Grand Lodge of Poland/Wielka Loza Narodowa Polski | http://www.wlnp.pl/ |
Portugal | Federação Portuguesa de Ordem Maçónica Mista Internacional “Le Droit Humain” (DHPT) (le Droit Humain - Portuguese Federation) | http://www.droit-humain.org/portugal/ |
Portugal | Grand Loja Feminina de Portugal (GLFP) (Feminine Grand Lodge of Portugal) | http://www.glfp.pt/ |
Portugal | Grand Loja Legal de Portugal (GLLP/GLRP) (Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal/Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal) | http://www.gllp.pt/ |
Portugal | Grand Orient of Lusitania | http://www.gol.pt/ |
Portugal | Grande Loja Maçónica de Portugal | |
Romania | Marea Loja Nationala din România (MLNdR) (National Grand Lodge of Romania) | http://www.mlnr.ro/ |
Romania | Marea Loja Nationala Româna "1880" (Romanian National Grand Lodge "1880") | http://mlnr1880.eu/ |
Russia | Grand Lodge of Russia | http://www.russianmasonry.ru/ |
Russia | United Grand Lodge of Russia | http://www.ovlr.ru/ |
Russia | Le Droit Humain | http://www.co-masonry.ru/ |
San Marino | La Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino | http://www.sglrsm.sm/ |
Serbia | Velika Nacionalna Loža Srbije (National Grand Lodge of Serbia) | http://www.mason.org.rs/ |
Serbia | Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia | http://www.rgls.org/en/ |
Serbia | United Grand Lodges of Serbia | http://uvls.rs/front.html |
Slovak Republic | Velká Lóža Slovenska | http://www.vls.sk/ |
Slovenia | Grand Lodge of Slovenia | http://www.gl-slovenia.org/ |
Spain | Grand Lodge of Spain | http://www.gle.org |
Spain | Gran Logia Simbólica Española (Spanish Symbolic Grand Lodge) | http://www.glse.org |
Spain (Andaluza) | Gran Logia de la Comunidad Andaluza (Grand Lodge of Andalusia) | http://granlogiadelacomunidadandaluza. wordpress.com/ |
Spain (Madrid) | Gran Oriente de Madrid (Grand Orient of Madrid) | http://www.granorientedemadrid.org/ |
Spain (Catalonia) | Grand Orient of Catalonia | http://www.granorient.cat |
Sweden | Swedish Order of Freemasons | [http://www.frimurarorden.se/ |
Sweden | Le Droit Humain - Scandinavian Federation (Sweden) | http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-84612/sfo.html |
Sweden | Grand Orient Latinoamericano | http://www.golabrasil.org/organizacao/ |
Switzerland | Grande Loge Suisse Alpina | http://www.franc-maconnerie.ch |
Switzerland | Fédération Suisse du Droit Humain | http://www.ledroithumain.ch/ |
Switzerland | Grande Loge Mixte de Suisse (Mixed Grand Lodge of Switzerland) | http://www.glms.ch/ |
Switzerland | Grand Orient de Suisse | http://www.g-o-s.ch |
Switzerland | Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse | http://www.glfs-masonic.ch |
Turkey | Grand Lodge of Turkey F.& A.M. | http://www.mason.org.tr/web/en_index.html |
Turkey | Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey | http://www.mason-mahfili.org.tr/?p=174 |
Ukraine | Grand Lodge of Ukraine | http://www.ukrmason.org/eng/index.php |
United Kingdom (England and Wales) | United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) | http://www.ugle.org.uk |
United Kingdom (Scotland) | Grand Lodge of Scotland | http://www.grandlodgescotland.com |
Central and South America
Country | State | Grand Lodge Name | Website | |
Continental | Gran Oriente Latinoamericano (formerly Grande Oriente de Chile no Exílio) | http://www.golabrasil.org/about/ | ||
Argentina | Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Acceptados Masones (Grand Lodge of Argentina) | http://www.masoneria-argentina.org.ar | ||
Bolivia | Gran Logia de Bolivia (GLB) (Grand Lodge of Bolivia) | http://www.granlogiadebolivia.bo | ||
Bolivia | Gran Logia Femenina de Bolivia (GLFB) (Women's Grand Lodge of Bolivia) | http://granlogiafemeninabolivia.blogspot.com | ||
Brazil | Grande Oriente do Brasil (Grand Orient of Brasil) | http://gob.org.br/ | ||
Brazil | Grande Loja Maçonica Mista do Brasil | http://www.grandelojamista.com.br/ | ||
Brazil | Grande Loja Feminina do Brasil (Women's Grand Lodge of Brasil) | |||
Brazil | Acre | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Acre (Grand Lodge of the State of Acre) (GLEAC) | http://www.gleac.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Alagoas | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Alagoas (Grand Lodge of the State of Alagoas) | http://www.glomeal.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Amapá | Grande Loja Maçônica do Amapá (Grand Lodge of the State of Amapa) (GLOMAP) | http://www.guiamaconiconacional.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Amazonas | Grande Loja Maçônica do Amazonas (Grand Lodge of Amazonas) (GLOMAM) | http://www.glomam.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Bahia | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Bahia (Grand Lodge of the State of Bahia) | http://www.gleb.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Ceará | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Ceará (Grand Lodge of the State of Ceara) | http://www.glmece.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Distrito Federal | Grande Loja Maçônica do Distrito Federal (Grand Lodge of the Federal District) | http://www.glmdf.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Espirito Santo | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Espirito Santo (Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo) (GLMEES) | http://www.glmees.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Goiás | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Goiás (Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás) | http://www.gleg.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Maranhão | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Maranhão (Grand Lodge of the State of Maranhão) (GLEMA) | http://www.glema.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Mato Grosso | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Mato Grosso (Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso) | http://www.glemt.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Mato Grosso do Sul | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul(Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul) | http://www.grandelojams.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Minas Gerais | Grande Loja Maçônica de Minas Gerais (Grand Lodge of Minas Gerais) | http://www.glmmg.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Minas Gerais | Grande Oriente de Minas Gerais | http://www.gomg.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Pará | Grande Loja Maçônica do Pará (Grand Lodge of Pará) | http://www.glompa.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Paraíba | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Paraíba (Grand Lodge of Paraíba) | http://www.grandeloja-pb.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Paraná | Grande Loja do Paraná (Grand Lodge of Paraná) | http://www.glp.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Paraná | Grande Loja Unida do Paraná | http://www.maconaria.org/ | |
Brazil | Paraná | Grand Orient of Paraná | http://www.gop.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Pernambuco | Grande Loja de Pernambuco (Grand Lodge of Pernambuco) | http://glpe.com.br/grandelojamaconicadepernambuco/ | |
Brazil | Piauí | Grande Loja Maçônica do Piauí (Grand Lodge of Piauí) | http://www.glmpi.com.br/ | |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (A.F.& A.M.) | http://www.glmerj.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Grande Oriente Independente do Rio de Janeiro | http://www.goirj.com/ | |
Brazil | Rio Grande do Norte | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Grand Lodge of the State of North Rio Grand) | ||
Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Grand Lodge of the State of South Rio Grand) | http://www.glojars.org.br | |
Brazil | Rondônia | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Rondônia (Grand Lodge of the State of Rondônia) (GLOMARON) | http://www.glomaron.org.br | |
Brazil | Roraima | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Roraima (Grand Lodge of the State of Roraima) | ||
Brazil | Santa Catarina | Grande Loja de Santa Catarina (Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina) (MRGLSC) | http://www.mrglsc.org.br | |
Brazil | São Paulo | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de São Paulo (Grand Lodge of the State of São Paulo) | http://www.glesp.org.br | |
Brazil | São Paulo | Grande Oriente Paulista | http://www.gop-sp.org.br/ | |
Brazil | Sergipe | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Sergipe (Grand Lodge of the State of Sergipe) (GLOMES) | http://www.glomes.org.br | |
Brazil | Tocantins | Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Tocantins (Grand Lodge of the State of Tocantins) | ||
Chile | Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Chile]] | |||
Chile | Gran Logia de Chile (Grand Lodge of Chile) | http://www.granlogia.cl/ | ||
Chile | Gran Logia Feminina de Chile | http://www.granlogiafemenina.cl/index.html | ||
Chile | Gran Oriente de Chile (Grand Orient of Chile) | http://www.gomch.cl/ | ||
Chile | Gran Logia Nacional de Chile (National Grand Lodge of Chile) | http://www.glnchile.cl/ | ||
Colombia | Santander | Gran Logia de los Andes-Bucaramanga (Grand Lodge of the Andes) | http://granlogiadelosandes.org/logiaandes/index.php | |
Colombia | Barranquilla | Federación Colombiana de Logias Masónicas (Colombian Federation of Masonic Lodges ) | ||
Colombia | Barranquilla | Muy Respetable Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia-Barranquillia (National Grand Lodge of Colombia) | http://granlogiabaq.com/ | |
Colombia | Bogotá | Gran Logia de Colombia-Bogotá, D.C. (Grand Lodge of Colombia) | http://granlogiadecolombia.co/ | |
Colombia | Occidental | Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia-Cali (Grand Lodge of Western Colombia) | http://www.glodc.org/ | |
Colombia | Cartagena | Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia-Cartagena de Indias (National Grand Lodge of Colombia, Cartagena) | http://www.serenisimagranlogiadecolombia.info | |
Colombia | Oriental | Gran Logia Oriental de Colombia "Francisco de Paula Santander" (Grand Lodge of Eastern Colombia, "Francisco de Paula Santander") | http://www.granlogiaorientaldecolombia.com/ | |
Costa Rica | Gran Logia de Costa Rica (Grand Lodge of Costa Rica) | http://www.granlogiadecostarica.com/ | ||
Ecuador | Gran Logia del Ecuador (Grand Lodge of Ecuador) | http://granlogiadistritaldelnorte.org/ | ||
Ecuador | Gran Logia Mixta de los Andes Ecuatoriales | http://scrmecuador.blogspot.com.es/ | ||
El Salvador | Gran Logia Cuscatlán | |||
El Salvador | Gran Oriente de El Salvador (Grand Orient of El Salvador) | http://granorientedeelsalvador.com/ | ||
Guatemala | Gran Logia de Guatemala (Grand Lodge of Guatemala) | http://www.granlogiadeguatemala.org | ||
Honduras | Gran Logia de Honduras (Grand Lodge of Honduras) | |||
Nicaragua | Gran Logia Simbólica de Nicaragua (Grand Symbolic Lodge of Nicaragua) | |||
Panama | Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Panama | |||
Panama | Gran Logia de Panamá (Grand Lodge of Panama) | http://www.granlogiadepanama.org/ | ||
Paraguay | Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) | http://www.granlogia.org.py/enlaces.php | ||
Paraguay | Centenaria Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay (Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) | http://www.granlogiasimbolicadelparaguay.org/ | ||
Perú | Gran Logia de la República del Peru (Grand Lodge of the Republic of Peru) | http://www.glperu.org.pe/ | ||
Perú | Gran Logia Constitucional del Perú (Grand Constitutional Lodge of Perú) | http://www.granlogia.pe | ||
Uruguay | Gran Logia del Uruguay (Grand Lodge of Uruguay) | http://www.masoneria-uruguay.org/ | ||
Venezuela | Puerto Cabello | Gran Logia Soberana de Libres y Aceptados Masones de Venezuela | ||
Venezuela | Gran Logia de la Republica de Venezuela (Grand Lodge of Venezuela) | http://www.granlogia.org.ve |
North America and Caribbean
Country | State | Grand Lodge Name | Website | |
Bahamas | Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Commonwealth of the Bahamas | http://www.princehallgrandlodge bahamas.org | ||
Canada | Gran Logia de Lengua Española de Canada | http://mrgl_lenguaespanola.tripod.com | ||
Canada | Grande Loge Nationale du Canada | http://www.glnc.org | ||
Canada | Le Droit Humain — Fédération canadienne | http://www.droithumaincanada.org | ||
Canada | Alberta | Grand Lodge of Alberta | http://www.freemasons.ab.ca/primary/ | |
Canada | British Columbia | Grand Lodge of British Columbia & the Yukon | http://freemasonry.bcy.ca | |
Canada | Manitoba | Grand Lodge of Manitoba | http://www.glmb.ca | |
Canada | New Brunswick | Grand Lodge of New Brunswick | http://www.glnb.org/en/default.php | |
Canada | Newfoundland and Labrador | Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador | http://www.glnl.ca | |
Canada | Nova Scotia | Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia | http://www.grandlodgens.org | |
Canada | Ontario | Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario | http://www.grandlodge.on.ca | |
Canada | Ontario | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario | http://www.princehallonj.org | |
Canada | Prince Edward Island | Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island | ||
Canada | Québec | Grande Loge du Québec | http://www.glquebec.org | |
Canada | Québec | Grande Loge Mixte du Québec | http://www.glmdq.org | |
Canada | Saskatchewan | Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan | http://www.saskmasons.ca/gls/ | |
Caribbean Islands | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean | http://www.mwphglc.zoomshare.com | ||
Cuba | Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Cuba (Guantanamo) | |||
Cuba | Gran Logia de Cuba (Grand Lodge of Cuba) | http://www.masonic-lodge.info /MLI/mli2404.htm | ||
Dominican Republic | Gran Logia de la República Dominicana, Inc. (Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic) | http://granlogiard.org | ||
Haiti | Grand Orient d'Haiti (Grand Orient of Haiti) | http://publitel.com/fmh/mc_haitienne.htm | ||
Mexico | Gran Logia Valle de Mexico (Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico) | http://www.mrglvm.org/index1.html | ||
Mexico | York Grand Lodge of Mexico, F. & A.M | http://www.yorkmexico.org | ||
Mexico | Aguascalientes | Gran Logia “Edmundo Games Orozco” del Estado de Aguascalientes (Grand Lodge of the State of Aguascalientes, “Edmundo Games Orozco”) | http://masoneriaoteags.es.tl | |
Mexico | Baja California | Gran Logia de Estado de Baja California (Grand Lodge of Baja California) | http://granlogiadebajacalifornia.org | |
Mexico | Baja California Sur | Gran Logia de Estado de Baja California Sur (Grand Lodge of Southern Baja California) | http://mrglbcs.org | |
Mexico | Campeche | Gran Logia del Estado de Campeche (Grand Lodge of the State of Campeche) | ||
Mexico | Chiapas | Gran Logia del Estado de Chiapas (Grand Lodge of the State of Chiapas) | http://www.grandlodge.gr/ | |
Mexico | Chihuahua | Gran Cosmos Asociación Civil del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado del Estado de Chihuahua (Grand Civil Association Cosmos of the Scottish Rite, State of Chihuahua) | http://cosmosac.org | |
Mexico | Chihuahua | Gran Logia "Cosmos" del Estado de Chihuahua (Grand Lodge of the State of Chihuahua, "Cosmos") | http://www.glcosmoschihuahua.org/ | |
Mexico | Coahuila | Gran Logia "Benito Juarez" del Estado de Coahuila (Grand Lodge of the State of Coahuila, "Benito Juarez") | http://granlogiabenitojuarezdecoahuila. webs.com | |
Mexico | Colima | Gran Logia “Sur Oeste” del Estado de Colima (Grand Lodge of the State of Colima, “Southwest”) | ||
Mexico | Durango | Gran Logia "Guadalupe Victoria" del Estado de Durango (Grand Lodge of the State of Durango, "Guadalupe Victoria") | http://www.granlogiadurango.org/ | |
Mexico | Estado de México (Federal District, or Mexico City) | Gran Logia de la Ciudad de México (Grand Lodge of Mexico City) | http://www.glcm.web44.net /glcm-09-historia.htm | |
Mexico | Guanajuato | Gran Logia del Estado de Guanajuato (Grand Lodge of the State of Guanajuato) | http://www.granlogiaguanajuato.org/ | |
Mexico | Guerrero | Gran Logia del Estado de Guerrero (Grand Lodge of the State of Guerrero) | ||
Mexico | Hildalgo | Gran Logia del Estado de Hidalgo (Grand Lodge of the State of Hidalgo) | http://www.granlogiaregularhidalgo 1940.org.mx | |
Mexico | Jalisco | Gran Logia "Occidental Mexicana" (Grand Lodge of Western Mexico, in the State of Jalisco) | http://glom.mx/ | |
Mexico | Michoacán | Gran Logia “Lázaro Cárdenas” del Estado de Michoacán (Grand Lodge of the State of Michoacán, “Lázaro Cárdenas”) | ||
Mexico | Morelos | Gran Logia “Soberana e Independiente” del Estado de Morelos (Grand Lodge of the State of Morelos, “Sovereign and Independent”) | ||
Mexico | Nayarit | Gran Logia del Estado de Nayarit (Grand Lodge of the State of Nayarit) | ||
Mexico | Nuevo León | Gran Logia de Nuevo León (Grand Lodge of Nuevo León) | http://www.granlogianuevoleon.org.mx/ | |
Mexico | Oaxaca | Gran Logia “Benito Juárez García” del Estado de Oaxaca (Grand Lodge of the State of Oaxaca, “Benito Juárez García”) | ||
Mexico | Puebla | Gran Logia “Benemérito Ejército de Oriente” del Estado de Puebla (Grand Lodge of the State of Puebla, “Distinguished Army of the East”) | http://mrglbedo.com/ | |
Mexico | Querétaro | Gran Logia del Estado de Querétaro (Grand Lodge of the State of Querétaro) | http://mrgleq.webs.com/ | |
Mexico | Quintana Roo | Gran Logia “Andrés Quintana Roo” del Estado de Quintana Roo (Grand Lodge of the State of Quintana Roo, "Andrés Quintana Roo") | http://www.granlogiaquintanaroo.com/ | |
Mexico | San Luis Potosí | Gran Logia de Estado Soberana e Independiente "El Potosi" (Grand Lodge of the Sovereign and Independent State of "El Potosi") | http://cosmosac.org | |
Mexico | Sinaloa | Gran Logia del Estado de Sinaloa (Grand Lodge of the State of Sinaloa) | http://muyrespetablegranlogiades inaloa.org/ | |
Mexico | Sonora | Gran Logia del Pacifico (Grand Lodge of the Pacific) | http://www.glpsonora.com/nosotros | |
Mexico | Tabasco | Gran Logia “Restauración” del Estado de Tabasco (Grand Lodge of the State of Tabasco, "Restoration") | ||
Mexico | Tamaulipas | Gran Logia del Estado de Tamaulipas (Grand Lodge of the State of Tamaulipas) | http://www.granlogiatamaulipas.mx/ | |
Mexico | Veracruz | Gran Logia "Unida Mexicana" de Veracruz (Grand Lodge of Veracruz, "United Mexico") | http://www.glumver.com/ | |
Mexico | Yucatán | Gran Logia “La Oriental Penínsular” del Estado de Yucatán (Grand Lodge of the State of Yucatán, "Eastern Peninsula") | http://fraternidad10.org /masoneria/index2.php | |
Mexico | Zacatecas | Gran Logia “Jesús González Ortega” del Estado de Zacatecas (Grand Lodge of the State of Zacatecas, “Jesús González Ortega” ) | ||
Puerto Rico | Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico (Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico) | http://www.granlogiasoberanadepr.org | ||
United States | George Washington Union | http://www.georgewashingtonunion.org | ||
United States | National Sovereign Sanctuary Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm for the United States and Jurisdictions | http://www.memphis-misraim.us/ | ||
United States | Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry | http://www.co-masonry.org/ | ||
United States | Le Droit Humain - American federation | http://www.comasonic.org/ | ||
United States | National Grand Lodge Prince Hall Origin | http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/ | ||
United States | Alabama | Grand Lodge of Alabama | http://www.alafreemasonry.org | |
United States | Alabama | King Solomon Grand Lodge | http://kingsolomongrandlodge-al.weebly.com | |
United States | Alabama | Olive Branch Grand Lodge | http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/M_W_OBGL-AL.htm | |
United States | Alabama | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama | http://www.mwphglofal.org/index.html | |
United States | Alaska | Grand Lodge of Alaska | http://www.alaska-mason.org/ | |
United States | Alaska | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska, | http://mwphglalaska.com | |
United States | Arizona | Grand Lodge of Arizona | http://www.azmasons.org | |
United States | Arizona | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona | http://columbiaelite.tripod.com /princehallgrandlodge.html | |
United States | Arkansas | Alpha Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Arkansas | M.W. Compact Grand Lodge | http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/GLAFFILIATES2013.htm | |
United States | Arkansas | Grand Lodge of Arkansas | http://www.argrandlodge.com | |
United States | Arkansas | King Solomon Grand Lodge | http://www.hiramgrandlodgeva.org/Links___Contacts.html | |
United States | Arkansas | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas | http://arkphagrandlodge.com/ | |
United States | California | Grand Lodge of California | http://www.freemason.org/ | |
United States | California | Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge | http://hiramoftyre.org/ | |
United States | California | Mt. Nebo Grand Lodge | ||
United States | California | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California | http://mwphglcal.org/ | |
United States | California | Regular Grand Lodge of California | ||
United States | California | Sons of Light Grand Lodge, California and Oregon | http://tmwsolgl.org/ | |
United States | California | St. Anthony Grand Lodge of California of Oakland and Los Angeles | http://scaar1-sw.org/GL.html | |
United States | Colorado | Grand Lodge of Colorado | http://www.coloradofreemasons.org | |
United States | Colorado | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah | http://www.mwphglco.org/ | |
United States | Connecticut | Grand Lodge of Connecticut | http://gl.ctfreemasons.net | |
United States | Connecticut | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut | http://www.mwphgl-ct.org/site/ | |
United States | Delaware | African Harmony Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Delaware | Grand Lodge of Delaware | http://www.masonsindelaware.org | |
United States | Delaware | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware | http://www.mwphglde.org/ | |
United States | District of Columbia | Eureka Grand Lodge | ||
United States | District of Columbia | Grand Lodge of District of Columbia | http://www.dcgrandlodge.org | |
United States | District of Columbia | King Solomon Grand Lodge | ||
United States | District of Columbia | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of District of Columbia | http://www.mwphgldc.com | |
United States | Florida | Grand Lodge of Florida | http://www.glflamason.org | |
United States | Florida | Regular Grand Lodge of Florida | ||
United States | Florida | Meridian Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Florida | Sunrise Grand Lodge | http://www.mwsunriseglafam.webs.com | |
United States | Florida | Renford P. Brown Grand Lodge | http://www.renfordpbrown.org/ | |
United States | Florida | Union Grand Lodge of Florida, Belize, Central America, and St. John (Prince Hall) | http://www.mwuglflorida.org/ | |
United States | Georgia | Grand Lodge of Georgia | http://www.glofga.org | |
United States | Georgia | Jeff Long Grand Lodge | http://www.ifammsend.org/ga.html | |
United States | Georgia | Lazarus Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Georgia | ||
United States | Georgia | Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World | http://www.modernfree.com/grndcouncil.htm | |
United States | Georgia | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia | http://mwphglga.org/2010/ | |
United States | Georgia | Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge | http://www.smoothashlargrandlodge.org/ | |
United States | Georgia | St. Joseph Grand Lodge of Georgia | http://www.mwstjosephgl.org/ | |
United States | Hawaii | Grand Lodge of Hawaii | http://www.hawaiifreemason.org | |
United States | Hawaii | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii | http://www.phglofhawaii.org/ | |
United States | Idaho | Grand Lodge of Idaho | http://www.idahoaf.am | |
United States | Illinois | Grand Lodge of Illinois | http://www.ilmason.org | |
United States | Illinois | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois | http://www.mwphglil.com | |
United States | Illinois | St. Mark Grand Lodge | http://www.mwstmarkgrandlodge.org/ | |
United States | Indiana | Grand Lodge of Indiana | http://www.indianafreemasons.com | |
United States | Indiana | Prince Edwin Grand Lodge of Indiana | http://www.princeedwingrandlodge.com/ | |
United States | Indiana | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Indiana | http://mwphglin.org/ | |
United States | Iowa | Grand Lodge of Iowa | http://www.gl-iowa.org | |
United States | Iowa | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa | http://www.mwphglia.org/ | |
United States | Kansas | Grand Lodge of Kansas | http://www.kansasmason.org/ | |
United States | Kansas | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas | http://mwphglks.org/ | |
United States | Kentucky | Grand Lodge of Kentucky | http://www.grandlodgeofkentucky.org | |
United States | Kentucky | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky | http://www.phglky.com/ | |
United States | Louisiana | Grand Lodge of Louisiana | http://www.la-mason.com | |
United States | Louisiana | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana | ||
United States | Louisiana | United Most Worshipful St. John's Grand Lodge | http://www.saintjohnsgl.com/ | |
United States | Louisiana | Universal Grand Lodge of Louisiana | http://www.universalgrandlodgeafam.com/ | |
United States | Maine | Grand Lodge of Maine | http://www.mainemason.org | |
United States | Maryland | Grand Lodge of Maryland | http://www.mdmasons.org/ | |
United States | Maryland | Hiram Grand Lodge State of Maryland | http://www.hiramgrandlodge-md.org/ | |
United States | Maryland | King Douglas Grand Lodge | http://www.kingdouglasgrandlodgemd.com/ | |
United States | Maryland | Maryland Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Maryland | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland | http://www.mwphglmd.org | |
United States | Massachusetts | George Washington Carver Grand Lodge | http://bobby_young.tripod.com/Carver.html | |
United States | Massachusetts | Grand Lodge of Massachusetts | http://www.glmasons-mass.org | |
United States | Massachusetts | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts | http://www.princehall.org | |
United States | Michigan | Grand Lodge of Michigan | http://www.gl-mi.org | |
United States | Michigan | Pride of the East Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Michigan | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan | http://miphagl.org/ | |
United States | Michigan | Ralph Bunche Grand Lodge | http://www.ralphbunchegl.com/ | |
United States | Minnesota | Grand Lodge of Minnesota | http://www.mn-masons.org | |
United States | Minnesota | North Star Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Minnesota | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota | http://www.mwphglmn.net | |
United States | Mississippi | Grand Lodge of Mississippi | http://www.msgrandlodge.org | |
United States | Mississippi | King David Grand Lodge of Mississippi | http://www.twosquarescatering.com/ | |
United States | Mississippi | Prince Hall Grand Lodge | http://www.princehallglms.org/ | |
United States | Mississippi | Stringer Grand Lodge of Mississippi | http://www.mwstringergl.org/ | |
United States | Missouri | Grand Lodge of Missouri | http://www.momason.org | |
United States | Missouri | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri | http://glmopha.org/ | |
United States | Missouri | St. Andrew's Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Montana | Grand Lodge of Montana | http://www.grandlodgemontana.org | |
United States | Nebraska | Grand Lodge of Nebraska | http://www.nebraska-grand-lodge.org | |
United States | Nebraska | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska | http://www.mwphglne.org/ | |
United States | Nevada | Grand Lodge of Nevada | http://www.nvmasons.org | |
United States | Nevada | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada | http://www.freewebs.com/mwphglnv/ | |
United States | Nevada | St. Mark Grand Lodge of Nevada | ||
United States | New Hampshire | Grand Lodge of New Hampshire | http://www.nhgrandlodge.org | |
United States | New Jersey | Garden State Grand Lodge | ||
United States | New Jersey | Grand Lodge of New Jersey | http://www.newjerseygrandlodge.org/ | |
United States | New Jersey | Job Grand Lodge | http://www.mwjobgrandlodge.com/ | |
United States | New Jersey | King William Grand Lodge of New Jersey | ||
United States | New Jersey | Oriental Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of New Jersey | http://www.mworientalgl.org | |
United States | New Jersey | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Jersey | http://www.mwphglnj.org | |
United States | New Jersey | Regular Grand Lodge of New Jersey | http://www.rgle.org.uk/MHC_New_Jersey.htm | |
United States | New Jersey | St. John's Grand Lodge | ||
United States | New Mexico | Grand Lodge of New Mexico | http://nmmasons.org | |
United States | New Mexico | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico | http://www.mwphglnm.org/ | |
United States | New York | Grand Lodge of New York | http://www.nymasons.org | |
United States | New York | Grand Lodge of New York (2) | ||
United States | New York | Hiram Grand Lodge | http://www.hiramgrandlodge.com/ | |
United States | New York | Omega Grand Lodge | http://www.mwomegagl.com/1.html | |
United States | New York | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York | http://princehallny.org/ | |
United States | New York | Rose of Sharon Grand Lodge | http://www.internationalmasonsny.org/ | |
United States | North Carolina | Grand Lodge of North Carolina | http://www.grandlodge-nc.org | |
United States | North Carolina | Modern Free and Accepted Masons of The World | http://www.ncarolina.modernfree.com/ | |
United States | North Carolina | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina | http://www.mwphglnc.com/ | |
United States | North Carolina | St. James Grand Lodge, Prince Hall Origin | ||
United States | North Dakota | Grand Lodge of North Dakota | http://www.glnd.org | |
United States | Ohio | Eureka Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Ohio | Grand Lodge of Ohio | http://www.freemason.com | |
United States | Ohio | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio | http://www.phaohio.org | |
United States | Oklahoma | Eureka Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Oklahoma | Grand Lodge of Oklahoma | http://www.gloklahoma.com | |
United States | Oklahoma | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma | ||
United States | Oregon | Grand Lodge of Oregon | http://www.masonic-oregon.com | |
United States | Oregon | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho and Montana | ||
United States | Oregon | Sons of Haiti Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Pennsylvania | Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania | http://www.pagrandlodge.org | |
United States | Pennsylvania | Keystone Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Pennsylvania | Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania | ||
United States | Pennsylvania | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania | http://www.princehall-pa.org | |
United States | Rhode Island | Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | http://www.rimasons.org | |
United States | Rhode Island | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Rhode Island | ||
United States | South Carolina | Grand Lodge of South Carolina, A.F.M. | http://www.scgrandlodgeafm.org | |
United States | South Carolina | Palmetto Grand Lodge | http://www.palmettograndlodge.org/ | |
United States | South Carolina | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina | http://www.mwphglsc.com/ | |
United States | South Dakota | Grand Lodge of South Dakota | http://mygrandlodge.org/ | |
United States | Tennessee | Grand Lodge of Tennessee | http://www.grandlodge-tn.org | |
United States | Tennessee | Moses Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Tennessee | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee | http://www.phgltn.org/ | |
United States | Texas | Grand Lodge of Texas | http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org | |
United States | Texas | Mount Sinai Grand Lodge of Texas | http://www.mtsinaigl.org | |
United States | Texas | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas | http://www.mwphglotx.org/ | |
United States | Texas | Saint John / Saint Joseph Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Texas | United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Utah | Grand Lodge of Utah | http://www.utahgrandlodge.org | |
United States | Vermont | Grand Lodge of Vermont | http://www.vtfreemasons.org | |
United States | Virginia | Consolidated Hiram Grand Lodge | http://www.hiramgrandlodgeva.org/ | |
United States | Virginia | Grand Lodge of Virginia | http://www.grandlodgeofvirginia.org | |
United States | Virginia | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia | http://www.mwphgl-va.org/ | |
United States | Virginia | Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia | http://rglva.com/ | |
United States | Virginia | St. John's Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Washington | Grand Lodge of Washington | http://www.freemason-wa.org | |
United States | Washington | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington | http://mwphglwa.org | |
United States | West Virginia | Grand Lodge of West Virginia | http://www.wvmasons.org | |
United States | West Virginia | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia | http://www.mwphglwv.com/ | |
United States | West Virginia | Royal Craft Grand Lodge | ||
United States | Wisconsin | Grand Lodge of Wisconsin | http://www.wisc-freemasonry.org | |
United States | Wisconsin | Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin | http://www.mwphglofwisconsin.com/ | |
United States | Wyoming | Grand Lodge of Wyoming | http://wyomingmasons.com |