Freimaurerei in Holland
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Freimaurerei in Holland

Vrijmetselaarsloge (freemason’s lodge)Architect: P. Heyn (1857-1929) Commissioned by: Stichting van Vrijmetselaren (Freemason’s foundation) Years of construction: 1910-1911 (with the use of two older buildings on this site) From café to temple: the history of this building in a nutshell. In 1873, the beer brewer Gerard Heineken built a beer cellar here after a design by P.J.H. Cuypers. In 1893 it was connected to the 'Huize Vondel' (Vondel House), and in 1904/5 it was rebuilt after a W. Kromhout design as a temple for the Amsterdam Freemason’s Lodge. A major renovation of 1910/11 largely removed all the previous building phases. Geometric Kromhout gave Huize Vondel (Vondel House, left) the appearance of a temple, complete with spandril. During the next renovation in 1910, designed by the architect and freemason P. Heyn, the façades of both Kromhout as well as Cuypers (right) were demolished. The building received a whole new façade, more in accordance with the Berlage style, with two towers, plenty of brick and natural stone and stained glass. The age old symbol of the freemasons graces the middle: the square and compass with the letter G for ‘God and geometry’.

During the German occupation in the Second World War, freemasonry was banned. The building was confiscated and the interior destroyed. After the war the freemasons reoccupied the building and the damage was gradually repaired. The stained glass diamond was added to the rose window in 1946. The polished diamond symbolises the freemason’s quest for the highest conceivable stage.

Prinsessegracht in Den Haag. Foto: Roel Wijnants
Die holländische Großloge
Quelle: Freimaurerzeitung: Manuscript für Brüder 1850 Januar Jg.4 Nr2
- Großmeister: Willem Frederik Karel, Prinz der Niederlande
- Deputierter GM: F. Schouten
- Großaufseher: Verwey Mejan, van Lenepp
- Großredner: Edmund Wilhelm von Dam van Isselt
- Großsekretär: van Rappard
- Großschatzmeister: Barnaart van Bergen
desweiteren: van Hasselt, Hoekwater, Redermeyer, van Rosenthal, Lentfrink, van der Vyver, Willeket Macdonald, Lulofs, Furstner
Die in diesem Lande befindliche Großloge hat folgende Töchter:
in Amsterdam:
- La bien Amiée
- Concordia vincit animos
- La Paix
- La Charité
- Willem Frederik
in Haag:
- L´Union Royale
in Middelburg:
- La Philanthrope
in Leyden:
- La Vertu
in Kampen:
- La profond Silence
in Gröningen:
- L´Union provencale
in Rotterdam:
- De Eendracht
- Frederik Royal
- De Drie Kolommen
in Leeuwarden:
- De Teuesche Trouw
in Deventer:
- Le Préjugé vaincu
in Arnheim:
- De Geldersche Broederschap
in Haarlem:
- Vicit vim virtus
in Breda:
- Het Vry Geweten
in Blissingen:
- L´Astre de L´Orient
in Alkmaar:
- De Nordstar
in Zierikzee:
- De Star in het Oosten
in Delft:
- Silentium
in Gouda:
- De ware Broedertrouw
in Zwolle:
- Fides mutua
in Herzogenbusch:
- De Edelmoedigkeit
in Gordrecht:
- La Flamboyante
in Gorinchem:
- Orde en Vlyt
in Zaandam:
- Anna Paulowna
in Vianen:
- Standvastigheit en trouw
in Helder:
- Willem Frederik Karel
in Purmerend:
- Louisa Augusta
in Utrecht:
- Ultrajectina
in Mastricht:
- La Pérsévérance
in Rymwegen:
- St. Lodewyk
Freimaurerei in holländischen Kolonien
Siehe auch
- Website der Loge Petragram in Amsterdam (Nord-Holland)