En: List of Masonic Grand Lodges: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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| Germany  
| Germany  
| Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD)
| Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD)
| http://www.sgovd.org  
| https://www.sgovd.org  
| Germany
| Germany

Aktuelle Version vom 4. Januar 2025, 13:57 Uhr

List of Masonic Grand Lodges

These lists were found on Wikipedia.org. Further notes and references on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Masonic_Grand_Lodges

Please note: as you will find stated on the original site "not all Grand Lodges and Grand Orients recognize each other as being legitimate. [...] Inclusion criteria only establish a physical (as against an internet) presence, and lodges which meet as masons."


Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Website
Benin Grand Bénin de la République du Bénin (Great Benin of the Republic of Benin) http://www.gb-rb.org/
Benin Grande Loge du Bénin (Grand Lodge of Bénin) http://www.grandelogedubenin.org/
Burkina Faso Grande Loge du Burkina Faso (Grand Lodge of Burkina Faso)
Cameroon Grande Loge Nationale du Cameroun (National Grand Lodge of Cameroon)
Cameroon Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France http://www.glff.org/
Cameroon Grand Loge Unie du Cameroun (United Grand Lodge of Cameroon)
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grande Loge Nationale du Congo du Rite Ancien et Primitif Memphis-Misraim
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grande Loge de France, District Congo (Grand Lodge of France, Congo District) http://www.gldf.org/contacts/gldf-ou-sommes-nous.html
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grand Orient du Congo (Grand Orient of the Congo)
Congo, Republic of Grande Loge du Congo
Congo, Republic of Grands Orient & Loge Associés du Congo (Associated Grand Orient and Lodge of the Congo)
Gabon Grande Loge du Gabon (Grand Lodge of Gabon)
Gabon Grande Loge Symbolique du Gabon (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Gabon) http://www.glsg.info/
Gabon Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France
Guinea Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Guinée Conackry
Ivory Coast Grande Loge de Côte d'Ivoire (Grand Lodge of the Ivory Coast)
Ivory Coast Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Côte d'Ivoire
Liberia Grand Lodge of the Republic of Liberia
Madagascar Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Madagascar (Le Droit Humain, Madagascar Juridiction)
Madagascar Grande Loge Nationale de Madagascar (National Grand Lodge of Madagascar) http://www.glnm.org/
Madagascar Grand Rite Malgache
Mali Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Mali (Le Droit Humain, Mali Jurisdiction) http://www.droit-humain.org/mali/
Mali Grande Loge Nationale Malienne (National Grand Lodge of Mali)
Mauritius Grand Lodge of Mauritius http://www.glmasonica.com/
Mauritius Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de la Ile Maurice (Le Droit Humain, Mauritius Juridiction)
Morocco Grande Loge du Maroc http://www.glm.ma/entree.htm
Morocco Grande Loge unie du Maroc (United Grand Lodge of Morocco) http://www.grandelogeuniedumaroc.ma/
Morocco Grande Loge Féminine du Maroc (Women's Grand Lodge of Morocco)
Morocco Grande Loge Régulière du Royaume du Maroc (Regular Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of Morocco) (GLRRM)
Nigeria District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (UGLE) http://www.dgln.org/DGLN/
Nigeria Grand Lodge of Nigeria
Senegal Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Sénégal
Senegal Grand Lodge of Senegal
Senegal Women's Grand Lodge Of France / Grande Loge Féminine de France
South Africa Grand Lodge of South Africa http://www.grandlodge.co.za/
South Africa South African Federation, The International Order of Co-Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain http://www.droit-humain.org/
Togo Grande Loge Nationale Togolaise (National Grand Lodge of Togo) http://www.glnt.org/
Togo Le Droit Humain - Juridiction de Togo (Le Droit Humain, Togo Jurisdiction)


Country State Grand Lodge Name Website
China (Peoples Republic of) Hong Kong District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East http://www.zetlandhall.com
China (Peoples Republic of) Hong Kong Provincial Grand Lodge of the Far East http://www.pglfe.org/
China (Peoples Republic of) Hong Kong District Grand Lodge of the Far East
India Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. of India http://www.masonindia.org
India Madras District Grand Lodge of Madras http://www.dglofmadras.com
India Bombay District Grand Lodge of Bombay http://www.dglbombay.org/
India Bengal District Grand Lodge of Bengal
India Northern India District Grand Lodge of Northern India
Israel Grand Lodge of the State of Israel A.F. & A.M. http://www.freemasonry.org.il/
Israel The New Grand Lodge Jerusalem of Freemasons in Israel. http://www.freemasons.co.il/
Israel Le Droit Humain - Israeli Jurisdiction http://www.droit-humain.org/israel/anglais.html
Japan Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Japan
Japan Grand Lodge of Japan http://www.grandlodgeofjapan.org/
Lebanon Grand Unified Lebanese Lodge http://www.gullodge.com
Lebanon District Grand Lodge of Syria and Lebanon
Lebanon Grand Loge Bet-El http://www.glbet-el.org/english%20%20home.html
Philippines Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of the Philippines http://www.grandlodgephils.org.ph/2012/
Taiwan (Republic of China) Grand Lodge of China, F. & A.M. http://www.grandlodge-china.org/

Australia and Oceania

Country State Grand Lodge Name Website
Australia Le Droit Humain - Australian federation http://freemasonryformenandwomen.org.au/
Australia New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory United Grand Lodge of New South Wales A.F. & A.M. http://www.uglnsw.freemasonry.org.au/
Australia Queensland United Grand Lodge of Queensland A.F. & A.M. http://www.uglq.org.au/
Australia South Australia and Northern Territory Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory A.F & A.M. http://www.santfreemasons.org.au/
Australia Tasmania Grand Lodge of Tasmania A.F. & A.M. http://www.freemasonrytasmania.org/
Australia Victoria United Grand Lodge of Victoria A.F. & A.M. http://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/
Australia Western Australia Grand Lodge of Western Australia A.F. & A.M. http://www.freemasonswa.org.au/
New Zealand Grand Lodge of New Zealand A.F. & A.M. http://www.freemasons.co.nz/
Tahiti La Grande Loge Régulière de Tahiti et des Archipels (Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos) (GLRT) http://www.glp-pf.org/advglrt/


Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Website
Albania Lozha e Madhe e Shqipërisë (Grand Lodge of Albania) https://www.facebook.com/LozhaeMadheeShqiperise
Andorra Gran Lògia d'Andorra (Grand Lodge of Andorra) http://gran-logia-andorra.com/en/
Armenia Grand Lodge of Armenia http://www.glofarmenia.org/
Austria Großloge von Österreich (The Grand Lodge of Austria A.F. & A.M.) http://www.freimaurerei.at/
Austria Großorient von Österreich (Grand Orient of Austria) http://www.freimaurer.at/
Austria Grand Lodge Humanitas http://www.gl-humanitas.com/
Austria Droit Humain of Austria http://www.droit-humain.org/osterreich/
Belgium Fédération Belge du Droit Humain / Belgische federatie van Droit Humain (le Droit Humain, Belgian Federation) http://www.droit-humain.be/public/index.php/
Belgium Grande Loge de Belgique / Grootloge van België (Grand Lodge of Belgium) http://www.glb.be/
Belgium Grande Loge féminine de Belgique / Vrouwengrootloge van België (Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium) http://www.glfb-vglb.be/
Belgium Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique / Reguliere Grootloge van België (Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium) http://www.glrb.net/
Belgium Grand Orient de Belgique (Grand Orient of Belgium) http://www.gob.be
Bulgaria Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Bulgaria http://www.grandlodgebg.com/
Bulgaria United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria http://www.grandlodge-bulgaria.org/
Bulgaria Grand Lodge of Bulgaria http://www.glb.bg/
Croatia Velika loža starih, slobodnih i prihvacenih zidara Hrvatske (Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Croatia) http://www.freemasonry-croatia.org/indexen.htm
Cyprus Grand Lodge of Cyprus
Czech Republic Veliká Lóže Ceské Republiky (Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic) http://www.vlcr.cz/
Czech Republic Velká lóže zemí Ceských (Grand Lodge of the Czech Lands) http://www.vlzc.cz/
Czech Republic Velká lóže svobodných a prijatých zednáru Humanitas Bohemia http://www.humanitas-bohemia.cz/
Denmark Danske Frimurerorden (Danish Order of Freemasons) http://ddfo.dk
Denmark Storlogen af Danmark (Grand Lodge of Denmark) http://www.storlogen-af-danmark.dk/index.html
Estonia Grand Lodge of Estonia http://www.eestisl.ee/
Finland Suomen Suurloosi / Storlogen i Finland (Grand Lodge of F. & A. Masons of Finland) http://www.vapaamuurarit.fi/?id=372&o=In%20English
Finland Le Droit Humain Suomen Liitto / Internationella Sam-Frimurarorden Le Droit Humain Finska Förbundet http://www.yhteisvapaamuurarit.fi/en/index.php
France Fédération française de l'Ordre maçonnique mixte international le Droit Humain (le Droit Humain - French Federation) http://www.droithumain-france.org/
France Grande Loge de France (GLdF or GLF) http://www.gldf.org/
France Grande Loge Européenne de la Fraternité Universelle (European Grand Lodge of the Universal Fraternity, GLEFU) http://www.glefu.org
France Grande Loge féminine de France (Women's Grand Lodge of France) http://www.glff.org/
France Grande loge écossaise réformée et rectifiée d'Occitanie http://www.rite-ecossais-rectifie.org/
France Grande Loge féminine de Memphis-Misraïm http://www.glf-mm.org/
France Grande Loge Française de Memphis-Misraïm http://grandelogefrancaisedememphis
France Grande Loge mixte de France http://www.glmf.fr
France Grande Loge mixte universelle http://www.glmu.fr/
France Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) http://www.glnf.asso.fr/
France Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (GLTSO) http://www.gltso.org/
France Grande Loge unie de France http://www.gluf.org/
France Grand Orient de France http://www.godf.org
France Loge nationale française http://www.logenationalefrancaise.fr/
France Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l'Art royal http://www.oitar.org/
Germany Grand National Mother Lodge, "The Three Globes" (Große National-Mutterloge „Zu den drei Weltkugeln“) (GNML 3WK) http://www.3wk.org
Germany Grand Landlodge of the Freemasons of Germany (Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland) (GLL FvD) http://www.freimaurerorden.de
Germany Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD) https://www.sgovd.org
Germany Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Germany (Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland) (GL AFuAMvD) http://freimaurerei.de
Germany The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG) http://gl-bfg.com
Germany American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) http://www.acgl.us
Germany Le Droit Humain - Deutsche Jurisdiktion http://www.droit-humain.de/
Germany Humanitas - Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland http://www.gemischte-freimaurerei.org
Germany Women's Grand Lodge of Germany (Frauen-Grossloge von Deutschland) (FGLvD) http://www.freimaurerinnen.de
Georgia Grand Lodge of Georgia (Tbilisi) http://www.aafm.ge/
Greece International Masonic Order DELPHI http://delphiorder.org/index.htm
Greece Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M. http://www.grandlodge.gr/
Greece National Grand Lodge of Greece http://www.nglgreece.org
Hungary Magyarországi Symbolikus Nagypáholy (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary) http://www.szabadkomuves.hu/picthtml.html
Hungary Magyarországi Nagyoriens (Grand Orient of Hungary) http://www.nagyoriens.hu/
Iceland Icelandic Order of Freemasons, Grand Lodge of Iceland http://www.frmr.is
Ireland Grand Lodge of Ireland http://www.irish-freemasons.org
Italy Grande Oriente d'Italia (Grand Orient of Italy) http://www.grandeoriente.it
Italy Gran Loggia d’Italia (Grand Lodge of Italy) http://www.granloggia.it
Italy Regular Grand Lodge of Italy http://www.glri.it/it/?lang=en
Italy Gran Loggia Italiana http://granloggiaitaliana.it/sito.html
Italy Gran Loggia Tradizionale d'Italia http://granloggiatradizionale.com
Italy Gran Loggia Massonica Femminile d’Italia http://www.granloggiafemminile.it
Italy Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia http://www.glnitalia1805.it/
Latvia Latvijas Lielloža http://www.masonicum.lv/
Lithuania Lietuvos laisvuju murininku Didžioji Lože AF & AM (Grand Lodge of Lithuania) http://www.grandlodge.lt/
Luxembourg Grande Loge du Luxembourg http://grande-loge.lu/?lang=en
Luxembourg Grande Orient du Luxembourg http://www.gol.lu/
Macedonia The Grand Lodge of Macedonia http://www.glm.org.mk/
Macedonia Regular Grand Lodge of Macedonia http://www.rglm.mk
Malta Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta http://www.sglom.eu
Moldova Marea Loja a Moldovei (Grand Lodge of Moldova) http://mlm.md/en/index.htm
Monaco La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco http://glnrpm.com/
Montenegro Velká Lóže Crne Gore (Grand Lodge of Montenegro) http://www.gl-montenegro.co.me/
The Netherlands Grootosteen van Nederlanden (Grand Orient of the Netherlands) http://www.vrijmetselarij.nl/
The Netherlands Grande Loge Mixte des Pays-Bas (Mixed Grand Lodge of the Low Countries) http://www.nggv.nl/
Norway Norwegian Order of Freemasons http://www.frimurer.no/
Poland National Grand Lodge of Poland/Wielka Loza Narodowa Polski http://www.wlnp.pl/
Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Ordem Maçónica Mista Internacional “Le Droit Humain” (DHPT) (le Droit Humain - Portuguese Federation) http://www.droit-humain.org/portugal/
Portugal Grand Loja Feminina de Portugal (GLFP) (Feminine Grand Lodge of Portugal) http://www.glfp.pt/
Portugal Grand Loja Legal de Portugal (GLLP/GLRP) (Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal/Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal) http://www.gllp.pt/
Portugal Grand Orient of Lusitania http://www.gol.pt/
Portugal Grande Loja Maçónica de Portugal
Romania Marea Loja Nationala din România (MLNdR) (National Grand Lodge of Romania) http://www.mlnr.ro/
Romania Marea Loja Nationala Româna "1880" (Romanian National Grand Lodge "1880") http://mlnr1880.eu/
Russia Grand Lodge of Russia http://www.russianmasonry.ru/
Russia United Grand Lodge of Russia http://www.ovlr.ru/
Russia Le Droit Humain http://www.co-masonry.ru/
San Marino La Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino http://www.sglrsm.sm/
Serbia Velika Nacionalna Loža Srbije (National Grand Lodge of Serbia) http://www.mason.org.rs/
Serbia Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia http://www.rgls.org/en/
Serbia United Grand Lodges of Serbia http://uvls.rs/front.html
Slovak Republic Velká Lóža Slovenska http://www.vls.sk/
Slovenia Grand Lodge of Slovenia http://www.gl-slovenia.org/
Spain Grand Lodge of Spain http://www.gle.org
Spain Gran Logia Simbólica Española (Spanish Symbolic Grand Lodge) http://www.glse.org
Spain (Andaluza) Gran Logia de la Comunidad Andaluza (Grand Lodge of Andalusia) http://granlogiadelacomunidadandaluza.
Spain (Madrid) Gran Oriente de Madrid (Grand Orient of Madrid) http://www.granorientedemadrid.org/
Spain (Catalonia) Grand Orient of Catalonia http://www.granorient.cat
Sweden Swedish Order of Freemasons [http://www.frimurarorden.se/
Sweden Le Droit Humain - Scandinavian Federation (Sweden) http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-84612/sfo.html
Sweden Grand Orient Latinoamericano http://www.golabrasil.org/organizacao/
Switzerland Grande Loge Suisse Alpina http://www.franc-maconnerie.ch
Switzerland Fédération Suisse du Droit Humain http://www.ledroithumain.ch/
Switzerland Grande Loge Mixte de Suisse (Mixed Grand Lodge of Switzerland) http://www.glms.ch/
Switzerland Grand Orient de Suisse http://www.g-o-s.ch
Switzerland Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse http://www.glfs-masonic.ch
Turkey Grand Lodge of Turkey F.& A.M. http://www.mason.org.tr/web/en_index.html
Turkey Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey http://www.mason-mahfili.org.tr/?p=174
Ukraine Grand Lodge of Ukraine http://www.ukrmason.org/eng/index.php
United Kingdom (England and Wales) United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) http://www.ugle.org.uk
United Kingdom (Scotland) Grand Lodge of Scotland http://www.grandlodgescotland.com

Central and South America

Country State Grand Lodge Name Website
Continental Gran Oriente Latinoamericano (formerly Grande Oriente de Chile no Exílio) http://www.golabrasil.org/about/
Argentina Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Acceptados Masones (Grand Lodge of Argentina) http://www.masoneria-argentina.org.ar
Bolivia Gran Logia de Bolivia (GLB) (Grand Lodge of Bolivia) http://www.granlogiadebolivia.bo
Bolivia Gran Logia Femenina de Bolivia (GLFB) (Women's Grand Lodge of Bolivia) http://granlogiafemeninabolivia.blogspot.com
Brazil Grande Oriente do Brasil (Grand Orient of Brasil) http://gob.org.br/
Brazil Grande Loja Maçonica Mista do Brasil http://www.grandelojamista.com.br/
Brazil Grande Loja Feminina do Brasil (Women's Grand Lodge of Brasil)
Brazil Acre Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Acre (Grand Lodge of the State of Acre) (GLEAC) http://www.gleac.com.br/
Brazil Alagoas Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Alagoas (Grand Lodge of the State of Alagoas) http://www.glomeal.com.br/
Brazil Amapá Grande Loja Maçônica do Amapá (Grand Lodge of the State of Amapa) (GLOMAP) http://www.guiamaconiconacional.com.br/
Brazil Amazonas Grande Loja Maçônica do Amazonas (Grand Lodge of Amazonas) (GLOMAM) http://www.glomam.com.br/
Brazil Bahia Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Bahia (Grand Lodge of the State of Bahia) http://www.gleb.org.br/
Brazil Ceará Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Ceará (Grand Lodge of the State of Ceara) http://www.glmece.org.br/
Brazil Distrito Federal Grande Loja Maçônica do Distrito Federal (Grand Lodge of the Federal District) http://www.glmdf.org.br/
Brazil Espirito Santo Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Espirito Santo (Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo) (GLMEES) http://www.glmees.org.br/
Brazil Goiás Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Goiás (Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás) http://www.gleg.com.br/
Brazil Maranhão Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Maranhão (Grand Lodge of the State of Maranhão) (GLEMA) http://www.glema.com.br/
Brazil Mato Grosso Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Mato Grosso (Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso) http://www.glemt.org.br/
Brazil Mato Grosso do Sul Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul(Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul) http://www.grandelojams.org.br/
Brazil Minas Gerais Grande Loja Maçônica de Minas Gerais (Grand Lodge of Minas Gerais) http://www.glmmg.org.br/
Brazil Minas Gerais Grande Oriente de Minas Gerais http://www.gomg.org.br/
Brazil Pará Grande Loja Maçônica do Pará (Grand Lodge of Pará) http://www.glompa.com.br/
Brazil Paraíba Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Paraíba (Grand Lodge of Paraíba) http://www.grandeloja-pb.org.br/
Brazil Paraná Grande Loja do Paraná (Grand Lodge of Paraná) http://www.glp.org.br/
Brazil Paraná Grande Loja Unida do Paraná http://www.maconaria.org/
Brazil Paraná Grand Orient of Paraná http://www.gop.org.br/
Brazil Pernambuco Grande Loja de Pernambuco (Grand Lodge of Pernambuco) http://glpe.com.br/grandelojamaconicadepernambuco/
Brazil Piauí Grande Loja Maçônica do Piauí (Grand Lodge of Piauí) http://www.glmpi.com.br/
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (A.F.& A.M.) http://www.glmerj.org.br/
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Grande Oriente Independente do Rio de Janeiro http://www.goirj.com/
Brazil Rio Grande do Norte Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Grand Lodge of the State of North Rio Grand)
Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Grand Lodge of the State of South Rio Grand) http://www.glojars.org.br
Brazil Rondônia Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Rondônia (Grand Lodge of the State of Rondônia) (GLOMARON) http://www.glomaron.org.br
Brazil Roraima Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Roraima (Grand Lodge of the State of Roraima)
Brazil Santa Catarina Grande Loja de Santa Catarina (Grand Lodge of Santa Catarina) (MRGLSC) http://www.mrglsc.org.br
Brazil São Paulo Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de São Paulo (Grand Lodge of the State of São Paulo) http://www.glesp.org.br
Brazil São Paulo Grande Oriente Paulista http://www.gop-sp.org.br/
Brazil Sergipe Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Sergipe (Grand Lodge of the State of Sergipe) (GLOMES) http://www.glomes.org.br
Brazil Tocantins Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Tocantins (Grand Lodge of the State of Tocantins)
Chile Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Chile]]
Chile Gran Logia de Chile (Grand Lodge of Chile) http://www.granlogia.cl/
Chile Gran Logia Feminina de Chile http://www.granlogiafemenina.cl/index.html
Chile Gran Oriente de Chile (Grand Orient of Chile) http://www.gomch.cl/
Chile Gran Logia Nacional de Chile (National Grand Lodge of Chile) http://www.glnchile.cl/
Colombia Santander Gran Logia de los Andes-Bucaramanga (Grand Lodge of the Andes) http://granlogiadelosandes.org/logiaandes/index.php
Colombia Barranquilla Federación Colombiana de Logias Masónicas (Colombian Federation of Masonic Lodges )
Colombia Barranquilla Muy Respetable Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia-Barranquillia (National Grand Lodge of Colombia) http://granlogiabaq.com/
Colombia Bogotá Gran Logia de Colombia-Bogotá, D.C. (Grand Lodge of Colombia) http://granlogiadecolombia.co/
Colombia Occidental Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia-Cali (Grand Lodge of Western Colombia) http://www.glodc.org/
Colombia Cartagena Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia-Cartagena de Indias (National Grand Lodge of Colombia, Cartagena) http://www.serenisimagranlogiadecolombia.info
Colombia Oriental Gran Logia Oriental de Colombia "Francisco de Paula Santander" (Grand Lodge of Eastern Colombia, "Francisco de Paula Santander") http://www.granlogiaorientaldecolombia.com/
Costa Rica Gran Logia de Costa Rica (Grand Lodge of Costa Rica) http://www.granlogiadecostarica.com/
Ecuador Gran Logia del Ecuador (Grand Lodge of Ecuador) http://granlogiadistritaldelnorte.org/
Ecuador Gran Logia Mixta de los Andes Ecuatoriales http://scrmecuador.blogspot.com.es/
El Salvador Gran Logia Cuscatlán
El Salvador Gran Oriente de El Salvador (Grand Orient of El Salvador) http://granorientedeelsalvador.com/
Guatemala Gran Logia de Guatemala (Grand Lodge of Guatemala) http://www.granlogiadeguatemala.org
Honduras Gran Logia de Honduras (Grand Lodge of Honduras)
Nicaragua Gran Logia Simbólica de Nicaragua (Grand Symbolic Lodge of Nicaragua)
Panama Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Panama
Panama Gran Logia de Panamá (Grand Lodge of Panama) http://www.granlogiadepanama.org/
Paraguay Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) http://www.granlogia.org.py/enlaces.php
Paraguay Centenaria Gran Logia Simbólica del Paraguay (Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) http://www.granlogiasimbolicadelparaguay.org/
Perú Gran Logia de la República del Peru (Grand Lodge of the Republic of Peru) http://www.glperu.org.pe/
Perú Gran Logia Constitucional del Perú (Grand Constitutional Lodge of Perú) http://www.granlogia.pe
Uruguay Gran Logia del Uruguay (Grand Lodge of Uruguay) http://www.masoneria-uruguay.org/
Venezuela Puerto Cabello Gran Logia Soberana de Libres y Aceptados Masones de Venezuela
Venezuela Gran Logia de la Republica de Venezuela (Grand Lodge of Venezuela) http://www.granlogia.org.ve

North America and Caribbean

Country State Grand Lodge Name Website
Bahamas Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Commonwealth of the Bahamas http://www.princehallgrandlodge
Canada Gran Logia de Lengua Española de Canada http://mrgl_lenguaespanola.tripod.com
Canada Grande Loge Nationale du Canada http://www.glnc.org
Canada Le Droit Humain — Fédération canadienne http://www.droithumaincanada.org
Canada Alberta Grand Lodge of Alberta http://www.freemasons.ab.ca/primary/
Canada British Columbia Grand Lodge of British Columbia & the Yukon http://freemasonry.bcy.ca
Canada Manitoba Grand Lodge of Manitoba http://www.glmb.ca
Canada New Brunswick Grand Lodge of New Brunswick http://www.glnb.org/en/default.php
Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador http://www.glnl.ca
Canada Nova Scotia Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia http://www.grandlodgens.org
Canada Ontario Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario http://www.grandlodge.on.ca
Canada Ontario Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario http://www.princehallonj.org
Canada Prince Edward Island Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Canada Québec Grande Loge du Québec http://www.glquebec.org
Canada Québec Grande Loge Mixte du Québec http://www.glmdq.org
Canada Saskatchewan Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan http://www.saskmasons.ca/gls/
Caribbean Islands Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean http://www.mwphglc.zoomshare.com
Cuba Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, lodges in Cuba (Guantanamo)
Cuba Gran Logia de Cuba (Grand Lodge of Cuba) http://www.masonic-lodge.info
Dominican Republic Gran Logia de la República Dominicana, Inc. (Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic) http://granlogiard.org
Haiti Grand Orient d'Haiti (Grand Orient of Haiti) http://publitel.com/fmh/mc_haitienne.htm
Mexico Gran Logia Valle de Mexico (Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico) http://www.mrglvm.org/index1.html
Mexico York Grand Lodge of Mexico, F. & A.M http://www.yorkmexico.org
Mexico Aguascalientes Gran Logia “Edmundo Games Orozco” del Estado de Aguascalientes (Grand Lodge of the State of Aguascalientes, “Edmundo Games Orozco”) http://masoneriaoteags.es.tl
Mexico Baja California Gran Logia de Estado de Baja California (Grand Lodge of Baja California) http://granlogiadebajacalifornia.org
Mexico Baja California Sur Gran Logia de Estado de Baja California Sur (Grand Lodge of Southern Baja California) http://mrglbcs.org
Mexico Campeche Gran Logia del Estado de Campeche (Grand Lodge of the State of Campeche)
Mexico Chiapas Gran Logia del Estado de Chiapas (Grand Lodge of the State of Chiapas) http://www.grandlodge.gr/
Mexico Chihuahua Gran Cosmos Asociación Civil del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado del Estado de Chihuahua (Grand Civil Association Cosmos of the Scottish Rite, State of Chihuahua) http://cosmosac.org
Mexico Chihuahua Gran Logia "Cosmos" del Estado de Chihuahua (Grand Lodge of the State of Chihuahua, "Cosmos") http://www.glcosmoschihuahua.org/
Mexico Coahuila Gran Logia "Benito Juarez" del Estado de Coahuila (Grand Lodge of the State of Coahuila, "Benito Juarez") http://granlogiabenitojuarezdecoahuila.
Mexico Colima Gran Logia “Sur Oeste” del Estado de Colima (Grand Lodge of the State of Colima, “Southwest”)
Mexico Durango Gran Logia "Guadalupe Victoria" del Estado de Durango (Grand Lodge of the State of Durango, "Guadalupe Victoria") http://www.granlogiadurango.org/
Mexico Estado de México (Federal District, or Mexico City) Gran Logia de la Ciudad de México (Grand Lodge of Mexico City) http://www.glcm.web44.net
Mexico Guanajuato Gran Logia del Estado de Guanajuato (Grand Lodge of the State of Guanajuato) http://www.granlogiaguanajuato.org/
Mexico Guerrero Gran Logia del Estado de Guerrero (Grand Lodge of the State of Guerrero)
Mexico Hildalgo Gran Logia del Estado de Hidalgo (Grand Lodge of the State of Hidalgo) http://www.granlogiaregularhidalgo
Mexico Jalisco Gran Logia "Occidental Mexicana" (Grand Lodge of Western Mexico, in the State of Jalisco) http://glom.mx/
Mexico Michoacán Gran Logia “Lázaro Cárdenas” del Estado de Michoacán (Grand Lodge of the State of Michoacán, “Lázaro Cárdenas”)
Mexico Morelos Gran Logia “Soberana e Independiente” del Estado de Morelos (Grand Lodge of the State of Morelos, “Sovereign and Independent”)
Mexico Nayarit Gran Logia del Estado de Nayarit (Grand Lodge of the State of Nayarit)
Mexico Nuevo León Gran Logia de Nuevo León (Grand Lodge of Nuevo León) http://www.granlogianuevoleon.org.mx/
Mexico Oaxaca Gran Logia “Benito Juárez García” del Estado de Oaxaca (Grand Lodge of the State of Oaxaca, “Benito Juárez García”)
Mexico Puebla Gran Logia “Benemérito Ejército de Oriente” del Estado de Puebla (Grand Lodge of the State of Puebla, “Distinguished Army of the East”) http://mrglbedo.com/
Mexico Querétaro Gran Logia del Estado de Querétaro (Grand Lodge of the State of Querétaro) http://mrgleq.webs.com/
Mexico Quintana Roo Gran Logia “Andrés Quintana Roo” del Estado de Quintana Roo (Grand Lodge of the State of Quintana Roo, "Andrés Quintana Roo") http://www.granlogiaquintanaroo.com/
Mexico San Luis Potosí Gran Logia de Estado Soberana e Independiente "El Potosi" (Grand Lodge of the Sovereign and Independent State of "El Potosi") http://cosmosac.org
Mexico Sinaloa Gran Logia del Estado de Sinaloa (Grand Lodge of the State of Sinaloa) http://muyrespetablegranlogiades
Mexico Sonora Gran Logia del Pacifico (Grand Lodge of the Pacific) http://www.glpsonora.com/nosotros
Mexico Tabasco Gran Logia “Restauración” del Estado de Tabasco (Grand Lodge of the State of Tabasco, "Restoration")
Mexico Tamaulipas Gran Logia del Estado de Tamaulipas (Grand Lodge of the State of Tamaulipas) http://www.granlogiatamaulipas.mx/
Mexico Veracruz Gran Logia "Unida Mexicana" de Veracruz (Grand Lodge of Veracruz, "United Mexico") http://www.glumver.com/
Mexico Yucatán Gran Logia “La Oriental Penínsular” del Estado de Yucatán (Grand Lodge of the State of Yucatán, "Eastern Peninsula") http://fraternidad10.org
Mexico Zacatecas Gran Logia “Jesús González Ortega” del Estado de Zacatecas (Grand Lodge of the State of Zacatecas, “Jesús González Ortega” )
Puerto Rico Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico (Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico) http://www.granlogiasoberanadepr.org
United States George Washington Union http://www.georgewashingtonunion.org
United States National Sovereign Sanctuary Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm for the United States and Jurisdictions http://www.memphis-misraim.us/
United States Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry http://www.co-masonry.org/
United States Le Droit Humain - American federation http://www.comasonic.org/
United States National Grand Lodge Prince Hall Origin http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/
United States Alabama Grand Lodge of Alabama http://www.alafreemasonry.org
United States Alabama King Solomon Grand Lodge http://kingsolomongrandlodge-al.weebly.com
United States Alabama Olive Branch Grand Lodge http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/M_W_OBGL-AL.htm
United States Alabama Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama http://www.mwphglofal.org/index.html
United States Alaska Grand Lodge of Alaska http://www.alaska-mason.org/
United States Alaska Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska, http://mwphglalaska.com
United States Arizona Grand Lodge of Arizona http://www.azmasons.org
United States Arizona Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona http://columbiaelite.tripod.com
United States Arkansas Alpha Grand Lodge
United States Arkansas M.W. Compact Grand Lodge http://www.mwnationalgrandlodge.org/GLAFFILIATES2013.htm
United States Arkansas Grand Lodge of Arkansas http://www.argrandlodge.com
United States Arkansas King Solomon Grand Lodge http://www.hiramgrandlodgeva.org/Links___Contacts.html
United States Arkansas Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas http://arkphagrandlodge.com/
United States California Grand Lodge of California http://www.freemason.org/
United States California Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge http://hiramoftyre.org/
United States California Mt. Nebo Grand Lodge
United States California Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California http://mwphglcal.org/
United States California Regular Grand Lodge of California
United States California Sons of Light Grand Lodge, California and Oregon http://tmwsolgl.org/
United States California St. Anthony Grand Lodge of California of Oakland and Los Angeles http://scaar1-sw.org/GL.html
United States Colorado Grand Lodge of Colorado http://www.coloradofreemasons.org
United States Colorado Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah http://www.mwphglco.org/
United States Connecticut Grand Lodge of Connecticut http://gl.ctfreemasons.net
United States Connecticut Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut http://www.mwphgl-ct.org/site/
United States Delaware African Harmony Grand Lodge
United States Delaware Grand Lodge of Delaware http://www.masonsindelaware.org
United States Delaware Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware http://www.mwphglde.org/
United States District of Columbia Eureka Grand Lodge
United States District of Columbia Grand Lodge of District of Columbia http://www.dcgrandlodge.org
United States District of Columbia King Solomon Grand Lodge
United States District of Columbia Prince Hall Grand Lodge of District of Columbia http://www.mwphgldc.com
United States Florida Grand Lodge of Florida http://www.glflamason.org
United States Florida Regular Grand Lodge of Florida
United States Florida Meridian Grand Lodge
United States Florida Sunrise Grand Lodge http://www.mwsunriseglafam.webs.com
United States Florida Renford P. Brown Grand Lodge http://www.renfordpbrown.org/
United States Florida Union Grand Lodge of Florida, Belize, Central America, and St. John (Prince Hall) http://www.mwuglflorida.org/
United States Georgia Grand Lodge of Georgia http://www.glofga.org
United States Georgia Jeff Long Grand Lodge http://www.ifammsend.org/ga.html
United States Georgia Lazarus Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Georgia
United States Georgia Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World http://www.modernfree.com/grndcouncil.htm
United States Georgia Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia http://mwphglga.org/2010/
United States Georgia Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge http://www.smoothashlargrandlodge.org/
United States Georgia St. Joseph Grand Lodge of Georgia http://www.mwstjosephgl.org/
United States Hawaii Grand Lodge of Hawaii http://www.hawaiifreemason.org
United States Hawaii Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii http://www.phglofhawaii.org/
United States Idaho Grand Lodge of Idaho http://www.idahoaf.am
United States Illinois Grand Lodge of Illinois http://www.ilmason.org
United States Illinois Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois http://www.mwphglil.com
United States Illinois St. Mark Grand Lodge http://www.mwstmarkgrandlodge.org/
United States Indiana Grand Lodge of Indiana http://www.indianafreemasons.com
United States Indiana Prince Edwin Grand Lodge of Indiana http://www.princeedwingrandlodge.com/
United States Indiana Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Indiana http://mwphglin.org/
United States Iowa Grand Lodge of Iowa http://www.gl-iowa.org
United States Iowa Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa http://www.mwphglia.org/
United States Kansas Grand Lodge of Kansas http://www.kansasmason.org/
United States Kansas Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas http://mwphglks.org/
United States Kentucky Grand Lodge of Kentucky http://www.grandlodgeofkentucky.org
United States Kentucky Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky http://www.phglky.com/
United States Louisiana Grand Lodge of Louisiana http://www.la-mason.com
United States Louisiana Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana
United States Louisiana United Most Worshipful St. John's Grand Lodge http://www.saintjohnsgl.com/
United States Louisiana Universal Grand Lodge of Louisiana http://www.universalgrandlodgeafam.com/
United States Maine Grand Lodge of Maine http://www.mainemason.org
United States Maryland Grand Lodge of Maryland http://www.mdmasons.org/
United States Maryland Hiram Grand Lodge State of Maryland http://www.hiramgrandlodge-md.org/
United States Maryland King Douglas Grand Lodge http://www.kingdouglasgrandlodgemd.com/
United States Maryland Maryland Grand Lodge
United States Maryland Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland http://www.mwphglmd.org
United States Massachusetts George Washington Carver Grand Lodge http://bobby_young.tripod.com/Carver.html
United States Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Massachusetts http://www.glmasons-mass.org
United States Massachusetts Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts http://www.princehall.org
United States Michigan Grand Lodge of Michigan http://www.gl-mi.org
United States Michigan Pride of the East Grand Lodge
United States Michigan Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan http://miphagl.org/
United States Michigan Ralph Bunche Grand Lodge http://www.ralphbunchegl.com/
United States Minnesota Grand Lodge of Minnesota http://www.mn-masons.org
United States Minnesota North Star Grand Lodge
United States Minnesota Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota http://www.mwphglmn.net
United States Mississippi Grand Lodge of Mississippi http://www.msgrandlodge.org
United States Mississippi King David Grand Lodge of Mississippi http://www.twosquarescatering.com/
United States Mississippi Prince Hall Grand Lodge http://www.princehallglms.org/
United States Mississippi Stringer Grand Lodge of Mississippi http://www.mwstringergl.org/
United States Missouri Grand Lodge of Missouri http://www.momason.org
United States Missouri Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri http://glmopha.org/
United States Missouri St. Andrew's Grand Lodge
United States Montana Grand Lodge of Montana http://www.grandlodgemontana.org
United States Nebraska Grand Lodge of Nebraska http://www.nebraska-grand-lodge.org
United States Nebraska Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska http://www.mwphglne.org/
United States Nevada Grand Lodge of Nevada http://www.nvmasons.org
United States Nevada Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada http://www.freewebs.com/mwphglnv/
United States Nevada St. Mark Grand Lodge of Nevada
United States New Hampshire Grand Lodge of New Hampshire http://www.nhgrandlodge.org
United States New Jersey Garden State Grand Lodge
United States New Jersey Grand Lodge of New Jersey http://www.newjerseygrandlodge.org/
United States New Jersey Job Grand Lodge http://www.mwjobgrandlodge.com/
United States New Jersey King William Grand Lodge of New Jersey
United States New Jersey Oriental Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of New Jersey http://www.mworientalgl.org
United States New Jersey Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Jersey http://www.mwphglnj.org
United States New Jersey Regular Grand Lodge of New Jersey http://www.rgle.org.uk/MHC_New_Jersey.htm
United States New Jersey St. John's Grand Lodge
United States New Mexico Grand Lodge of New Mexico http://nmmasons.org
United States New Mexico Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico http://www.mwphglnm.org/
United States New York Grand Lodge of New York http://www.nymasons.org
United States New York Grand Lodge of New York (2)
United States New York Hiram Grand Lodge http://www.hiramgrandlodge.com/
United States New York Omega Grand Lodge http://www.mwomegagl.com/1.html
United States New York Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York http://princehallny.org/
United States New York Rose of Sharon Grand Lodge http://www.internationalmasonsny.org/
United States North Carolina Grand Lodge of North Carolina http://www.grandlodge-nc.org
United States North Carolina Modern Free and Accepted Masons of The World http://www.ncarolina.modernfree.com/
United States North Carolina Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina http://www.mwphglnc.com/
United States North Carolina St. James Grand Lodge, Prince Hall Origin
United States North Dakota Grand Lodge of North Dakota http://www.glnd.org
United States Ohio Eureka Grand Lodge
United States Ohio Grand Lodge of Ohio http://www.freemason.com
United States Ohio Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio http://www.phaohio.org
United States Oklahoma Eureka Grand Lodge
United States Oklahoma Grand Lodge of Oklahoma http://www.gloklahoma.com
United States Oklahoma Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
United States Oregon Grand Lodge of Oregon http://www.masonic-oregon.com
United States Oregon Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho and Montana
United States Oregon Sons of Haiti Grand Lodge
United States Pennsylvania Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania http://www.pagrandlodge.org
United States Pennsylvania Keystone Grand Lodge
United States Pennsylvania Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
United States Pennsylvania Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania http://www.princehall-pa.org
United States Rhode Island Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations http://www.rimasons.org
United States Rhode Island Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
United States South Carolina Grand Lodge of South Carolina, A.F.M. http://www.scgrandlodgeafm.org
United States South Carolina Palmetto Grand Lodge http://www.palmettograndlodge.org/
United States South Carolina Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina http://www.mwphglsc.com/
United States South Dakota Grand Lodge of South Dakota http://mygrandlodge.org/
United States Tennessee Grand Lodge of Tennessee http://www.grandlodge-tn.org
United States Tennessee Moses Grand Lodge
United States Tennessee Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee http://www.phgltn.org/
United States Texas Grand Lodge of Texas http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org
United States Texas Mount Sinai Grand Lodge of Texas http://www.mtsinaigl.org
United States Texas Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas http://www.mwphglotx.org/
United States Texas Saint John / Saint Joseph Grand Lodge
United States Texas United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge
United States Utah Grand Lodge of Utah http://www.utahgrandlodge.org
United States Vermont Grand Lodge of Vermont http://www.vtfreemasons.org
United States Virginia Consolidated Hiram Grand Lodge http://www.hiramgrandlodgeva.org/
United States Virginia Grand Lodge of Virginia http://www.grandlodgeofvirginia.org
United States Virginia Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia http://www.mwphgl-va.org/
United States Virginia Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia http://rglva.com/
United States Virginia St. John's Grand Lodge
United States Washington Grand Lodge of Washington http://www.freemason-wa.org
United States Washington Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington http://mwphglwa.org
United States West Virginia Grand Lodge of West Virginia http://www.wvmasons.org
United States West Virginia Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia http://www.mwphglwv.com/
United States West Virginia Royal Craft Grand Lodge
United States Wisconsin Grand Lodge of Wisconsin http://www.wisc-freemasonry.org
United States Wisconsin Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin http://www.mwphglofwisconsin.com/
United States Wyoming Grand Lodge of Wyoming http://wyomingmasons.com

See also
