
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
  • …, an dem ein Apiskopf mit der Sonne und den Worten Osiris, Ahura, Osarsiph Moses, darünter die Crux ansata mit einer Schlange. Schurz weiß-schwarz mit der
    25 KB (3.775 Wörter) - 22:56, 9. Okt. 2019
  • …t jene ehrwürdige Geschichte, genannt die heilige Schrift, überliefert von Moses, der die Befehle Gottes auf Dessen unmittelbare Eingebung niederschrieb, un
    25 KB (3.849 Wörter) - 20:19, 7. Dez. 2013
  • …el sich nicht verschloss. Wie der erste der Propheten, der gotterleuchtete Moses, der geistige Held des Judenthums, so sei der letzte der Propheten, der Tä
    28 KB (4.157 Wörter) - 17:00, 19. Mär. 2019
  • My second reference is to Moses Maimonides, actually to his famous treatise Guide
    29 KB (4.440 Wörter) - 10:03, 4. Mai 2017
  • …ful life in the court of Egypt; the birth, preservation, and exaltation of Moses, his flight to Arabia, his return to Egypt, the hardness of Pharaoh's heart
    41 KB (7.376 Wörter) - 16:36, 15. Mär. 2016
  • …tab der Mediziner, oder den Hermesstab, oder auch an den Schlangenstab des Moses im Alten Testament. Die Öse wird oft als Schlange, die sich selbst in den
    28 KB (4.231 Wörter) - 19:55, 9. Feb. 2023
  • …e humanity of the Rainbow Age in which we now live. It is also stated that Moses led his people out of Egypt, the land of the Bull, Taurus, through waters… …im, and between them dwelt the uncreated glory of God. "Three," said He to Moses, "I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the Mercy
    154 KB (27.718 Wörter) - 08:41, 3. Apr. 2019
  • Lied des Moses, gesungen am Vorabend der Inbesitznahme
    28 KB (4.476 Wörter) - 19:43, 28. Okt. 2022
  • …master craftsman, inspired by Bezalel, who performed the same function for Moses. The tradition of deriving freemasonry from Noah seems to be shared with An
    39 KB (6.489 Wörter) - 13:03, 26. Jul. 2016
  • …oof. The exterior form of the Royal Areh Tabernacle was taken from that of Moses, but the interior decoration from a passage of Josephus not properly unders …can Rite, refers to the colors of the veils and to the miraculous signs of Moses, which are described in Exodus as having been shown by him to prove his mis
    76 KB (12.936 Wörter) - 16:28, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …as much doubt and difference of opinion. Suddenly introduced to notice by Moses in the command in Exodus (xxviii,30) "and thou shalt put in the breastplate …stplate. A variety of other conjectures have been hazarded, but as Godwyn (Moses and Aaron iv, 8) observes, "he spoke best, who ingeniously confessed that…
    79 KB (13.426 Wörter) - 16:28, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …, the original model of the seven-branched golden candlestick exhibited to Moses on God's mountain. The stars were imagined to have fought in their courses
    43 KB (7.403 Wörter) - 14:26, 8. Aug. 2015
  • …le was at emblem of the Universe.</blockquote><blockquote> Zoroaster, like Moses, claimed to have conversed face to face, as man with man, with the Deity;… …, an army sent by the King against the Ethiopians. Simplicius asserts that Moses received from the Egyptians, in the Mysteries, the doctrines which he taugh
    199 KB (34.011 Wörter) - 14:17, 8. Aug. 2015
  • …f our existence is bounded by two grand parallel lines; " one representing Moses; the other King Solomon," that is to say, law and wisdom; the divine ordina
    52 KB (9.284 Wörter) - 11:29, 6. Mai 2016
  • …gerufen als der "Hirt Israels." Num. Kap. 27, 15 ff. fordert der Ewige den Moses auf, den Josua zum Heerführer der Juden zu bestellen, damit die Gemeinde d …engott gesprengt und dann das Auferstehungs- und Vermählungsfest gefeiert. Moses und Andere werden Gottes Helden, wie Gottes Degen genannt. <sup>1)</sup>
    74 KB (11.563 Wörter) - 15:13, 3. Feb. 2016
  • All the great teachers of humanity, Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, Aristotle, Virgil, the author of the Homeric poems, and the great Greek tr
    55 KB (9.771 Wörter) - 11:27, 6. Mai 2016
  • …disinclined to place his era much earlier, and make him a contemporary of Moses. Brother Albert Pike, who has devoted much labor to the investigation of th
    46 KB (7.793 Wörter) - 16:30, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …nntniß verleihen, ihn zum Propheten machen; und dann wird er erfahren, daß Moses und die Propheten, die drey von einem Stern geleitete Weisen, keine andere
    43 KB (6.883 Wörter) - 00:21, 14. Sep. 2015
  • …und die Zeichen, 1996. Hier nur soviel: Bei der Cabala geht es um das, was Moses neben den Zehn Geboten von Gott direkt "empfangen", gehört haben soll und
    37 KB (5.387 Wörter) - 20:11, 20. Dez. 2020
  • Im vierten Grade repräsentiren die Beamten Moses und Aaron und deren Frauen nebst den Söhnen Aaron’s; die Ceremonien und
    35 KB (5.493 Wörter) - 20:18, 23. Aug. 2020

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