
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
  • …in Paris on May 21st. He was the first person in history to be in New York one day and Paris the next.
    2 KB (272 Wörter) - 13:36, 5. Feb. 2019
  • …ng Orders instructing its members in practical magick, Jaime Paul Lamb has one foot firmly planted in both these camps, Masonic and Magical. He thus speak
    4 KB (655 Wörter) - 16:23, 26. Feb. 2019
  • …most strict regularity; three from the National Grand Lodge of France, and one from the Grand Lodge of Spain. …. How could it be possible that in Andorra at the end on the XX century no one knew anything about such an institution as Freemasonry, which has helped to
    5 KB (739 Wörter) - 14:00, 2. Mai 2017
  • ‘I only remember one tracing board, it was a piece of canvas about 4 ft square. On it were paint
    2 KB (306 Wörter) - 10:55, 17. Nov. 2015
  • This quote stirs one to think about the importance and value of Masonic education within the Mas Let me stress no one loves the ritual more than I do. The ritual has an important place in the…
    17 KB (3.004 Wörter) - 16:56, 28. Okt. 2015
  • …corks. Titles vary between countries and traditions, but the following is one example: …t one surviving member of the original Great Board. Additionally, at least one 'Board of Corks' under the authority of the Great Board, has survived the…
    7 KB (1.193 Wörter) - 10:30, 21. Mär. 2016
  • …aken from lines 497 - 534 of the Regius Poem. This poem from circa 1390 is one of the oldest Masonic documents.
    2 KB (267 Wörter) - 09:57, 29. Jul. 2016
  • …gold fisheye decor highlights the black Masonic transfers and poems. This one has a couple of Masonic poems: (1) "The world is in pain, our secrets to… Constable of the Tower of London and one of his Royal Highness Council for Cornwall and acting Grand Master of Mason
    5 KB (864 Wörter) - 13:44, 18. Mär. 2019
  • …ed a part of the thirty thousand troops with whom he had fought an army of one hundred thousand Englishmen. King Robert reserved the title of Grand Master …, when the Grand Lodge of Scotland was organized, the Kilwinning Lodge was one of its constituent Bodies, and continued in its obedience until 1743. In th
    8 KB (1.395 Wörter) - 22:23, 13. Jun. 2015
  • Morgan was arrested several times on various claims. In one of these instances, a man came to pay the bail for Morgan and from that day
    2 KB (342 Wörter) - 12:04, 22. Feb. 2016
  • …ading naval commander before his death at the Battle of Trafalgar made him one of Britain’s greatest national heroes. His title in full was Vice Admiral …o. 100, at Yarmouth, there is a stone bearing an inscription to Nelson. On one side of the stone is an inscription commemorating the foundation of the Lod
    3 KB (568 Wörter) - 14:49, 18. Sep. 2018
  • …decided a statue in Freemasons’ Hall would be the best tribute to him and one of the leading sculptors of the time – [[Edward Hodges Baily]] – was gi
    2 KB (289 Wörter) - 13:39, 9. Feb. 2016
  • I honestly believe that in the Prologue and Royal Court we have one of the most beautiful ritualistic works and we are indeed thankful to Rev. …investigation and research in 1951 they found not only a worthy cause but one which desperately needed support -- muscular dystrophy. Up until 1972 we su
    9 KB (1.489 Wörter) - 20:08, 20. Dez. 2020
  • …investiture with the apron, and the consideration of the symbolism of the one naturally follows the consideration of the symbolism of the other. …, with a white leather apron, but also with two pairs of white kid gloves, one a man's pair for himself, and the other a woman's, to be presented by him…
    8 KB (1.398 Wörter) - 14:13, 20. Jun. 2016
  • This Degree is an authentic ‘side degree’, where it was customary for one brother to confer it on another and while it is known to have been working …at Rite’s Blue Series was worked as "Master of the Blue," and pertained to one of the tests of wisdom between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Neither
    8 KB (1.403 Wörter) - 18:43, 15. Sep. 2015
  • …Its religion , if religion it may be called, is an unfeigned belief in the one living and true God. The 2nd section of the 3rd degree in which you, each one, were caused to represent our G.M.H.A., is a most solemn and impressive por
    8 KB (1.530 Wörter) - 17:40, 23. Feb. 2016
  • …e of our Grand Lodge? The Secretary of our local lodge tells me that about one-half of the Grand Lodges in the country have the same title, but that the… The word "Mason" has been defined in many fanciful ways, as when one writer derives it from a Greek word meaning "in the midst of heaven," and…
    11 KB (1.861 Wörter) - 08:35, 4. Sep. 2015
  • The Matthew Cooke Manuscript is the oldest of a class of about one hundred early documents known as Freemasonry's Gothic Constitutions, and th
    2 KB (301 Wörter) - 12:40, 30. Mai 2014
  • …Universe of things; but equal distribution of property, no subjec- tion of one man to the will of another, no compulsory labor, and still no starvation,…
    13 KB (2.281 Wörter) - 14:18, 8. Aug. 2015
  • …gland. George, Prince of Wales, was Worshipful Master 1787-1820, having at one time had as Wardens the Dukes of York and Clarence. The Duke of York was Wo
    2 KB (308 Wörter) - 14:23, 21. Dez. 2013

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