
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
  • …al Master-Mason . . . the glorious Augustus became the Grand Master of the Lodge at Rome." …n. It is based on the scarcity of English lodge records prior to the Grand Lodge era, but, obviously, must fall if any records at all of that kind exist, as
    15 KB (2.462 Wörter) - 13:22, 9. Mai 2016
  • '''Delivered in the Witham Lodge, Lincoln, 1863, by THE REV. G. OLIVER, D.D. Source: The Web of Hiram
    40 KB (7.302 Wörter) - 14:55, 25. Jan. 2017
  • R.W.Bro. C.S.Madhavan, P.G.J.W. Grand Lodge of India :”The symbolism of Masonry is the soul of Masonry. Every symbol of a Lodge is a religious teacher, the mute teacher also of morals and philosophy. It
    15 KB (2.576 Wörter) - 10:33, 4. Okt. 2016
  • If, as is stated categorically by the United Grand Lodge of England[1], Freemasonry "is not a Secret Society" and is "not a religion …history from 1717 A.D. when the first Grand Lodge in the world - the Grand Lodge of England - was founded at [[London]]. From that time on Freemasonry has…
    21 KB (3.283 Wörter) - 10:29, 20. Dez. 2018
  • Lodge in 1717 allow an elementary understanding of the immediate pre-Grand Lodge era and some insight into the personalities and events that shaped early 18 …painted roll of linen, probably used as a floorcloth, now in the care of a lodge in Orkney. Its dating and the meaning of its symbols have generated conside
    39 KB (6.489 Wörter) - 13:03, 26. Jul. 2016
  • …rough Wor. Bro. George Burt, by Wor. Bro. William Johnstone Jr. of Yondota Lodge, on Saturday May 16th, 1981 to commemorate the Twentieth Annual Visit betwe …. The Chippewas initiated a candidate into Meda craft by sending him to a Lodge of 4 poles, with 4 stones before its fire and there he was to remain for 4
    26 KB (4.583 Wörter) - 11:34, 10. Jul. 2011
  • …e functions with a certain degree of credit, his idea is often to have the Lodge closed as speedily as may be and get away to the relaxation of the festive …home drunk, still wearing his apron and being assisted by the tyler of the Lodge. No true Mason can regard this picture without a burning sense of shame, an
    52 KB (9.284 Wörter) - 11:29, 6. Mai 2016
  • == Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic == === First Masonic Lodge in Prague ===
    46 KB (7.219 Wörter) - 13:08, 29. Mär. 2019
  • ===Supreme Council, Symbolic Grand Lodge, and the Nazis === …of France. On July 26th, 1930, in Hamburg, they founded the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Germany. Its first Grand Master was Leo Müffelmann who resigned his off
    25 KB (3.906 Wörter) - 10:57, 12. Okt. 2016
  • …ORY OF FREEMASONRY" by Thomas Johnson, at that time the Tiler of the Grand Lodge of England (the "Moderns"). In this book the author states that he was "tak …ed is unthinkable. The Bible is silent on the subject; it does not mention Hiram the Builder's death, still less the disposal of the body, but the whole ton
    14 KB (2.452 Wörter) - 16:18, 7. Sep. 2018
  • …gte in einer britischen Feldloge, welche unter der Protektion der Military Lodge Nr. 441 stand, die ihren Sitz in Boston hatte. …ehmigung für begrenzte Logenaktivitäten; namentlich wurden sie als African Lodge Nr. 1 geführt. Laut dieser Ausnahmegenehmigung waren sie berechtigt, ander
    29 KB (4.403 Wörter) - 10:49, 1. Aug. 2024
  • …denn er sandte ihm Maurer und Zimmerleute und vor allem seinen Baumeister Hiram, den vollendetsten Maurer der Welt. Und Salomo weihte den Tempel (1004 v.… …r Loge von Jerusalem, Hiram von Tyrus Großmeister der Loge von Tyrus und [[Hiram Abif]] war der Leiter des Baues (Maßter of Work). Nach dem Tempelbau zerst
    16 KB (2.530 Wörter) - 15:32, 28. Apr. 2015
  • …, having been elected in 1859. He was Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Seotland in the United States, and an honorary member …g among men—the greatest Freemason—this Prince in the House of Solomon and Hiram.
    22 KB (3.886 Wörter) - 09:01, 10. Mai 2016
  • …ciple. No set of qualifications could be designed for use by a Speculative Lodge which would duplicate those of Operative Lodges— for example, no Speculat When in 1723 the new Grand Lodge of Speculative Freemasonry made new Constitutions it entitled the second pa
    35 KB (5.884 Wörter) - 16:27, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …hich means, of course, sectarian religious discussion, is forbidden in the Lodge, they infer that Masonry is not a religious institution, and that its teach …e be-all and the end all of Masonic work. Seldom or never do we employ our Lodge meetings for that purpose for which, quite as much as for ceremonial purpos
    55 KB (9.771 Wörter) - 11:27, 6. Mai 2016
  • …Manchester Association of Masonic Research, on top of a heavy schedule of Lodge presentations throughout Ireland. …evel and led to the publication of 'The Way Forward' document by the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1989.
    37 KB (6.257 Wörter) - 17:40, 21. Feb. 2019
  • …a Tausende solcher Diplome finden sich in den Archiven der „[[United Grand Lodge of England]]“ und der Pariser „Bibliothèque Nationale“. Die Zahl der …ber die Geschichte und Organisation der Freimaurerei, über die Legenden ([[Hiram]], [[Templer]], Stuarts, [[Isis und Osiris]]), die [[Ritual]]e der [[Johann
    15 KB (1.993 Wörter) - 11:12, 2. Apr. 2019
  • …fayette anfertigte und der Br. [[George Washington]] in der Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia durch General [[Lafayette]] 1784 überreicht wurde. ]] …s ist zumeist Leder, doch ist der älteste erhältene Logenschurz ([[Melrose Lodge]]) aus derber Leinwand. Die ursprüngliche Form, wie sie auch noch auf dem
    28 KB (4.231 Wörter) - 19:55, 9. Feb. 2023
  • …nterschiedlicher masonischer Richtungen, wobei die von der '[[United Grand Lodge of England]]' vorgegebenen Grenzen der '[[Regularität]]' in gegenseitigem …Abif, Baumeister am salomonischen Tempel; die Mörder waren drei Gesellen (Hiram-Legende).
    20 KB (2.827 Wörter) - 14:28, 13. Feb. 2024
  • …c-maçon au grade supérieur, faisant référence aux ouvriers de la légende d'Hiram. …le temple devient la chambre du milieu ou hekhal, là où, selon le mythe d'Hiram, les maîtres recevaient leur salaire. Selon la tradition maçonnique, on a
    29 KB (4.985 Wörter) - 08:38, 16. Jun. 2016

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