En:Gregory Steward
Br. Greg Stewart aka -Masonic Traveler
An artist by nature and vocation, Greg pursued the sublime degrees of Freemasonry in 1994, seeking to learn its knowledge and allegory. The sole purpose in creating this site is to organize and share this information to as wide an audience as possible, presenting it in as instructive and concise a format as possible. Specifically, it is intended for the interested onlooker and the newly raised entered apprentice mason, but it also presents insight to the seasoned master as well. Greg’s own interests in Freemasonry range from its present role in society, its history, and in particular to its esoteric recesses.
Greg is a 3rd degree Master Mason in the Craft Lodge at Hollywood No. 355, under the Grand Lodge of California, also he is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, under the AASR of the Orient of California, and a York Rite R.:A.:M.: of Signent Chapter #57 in Van Nuys.
Greg is the author of the ebook “What is Freemasonry?”. and the new print book Masonic Traveler, available on Amazon.
You can email Greg at: masonictraveler@gmail.com