Großlogen von Dänemark
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3 unabhängige Großlogen
Actually to day Denmark has 3 independent Grand Lodges.
1 "Storlogen af Danmark af gamle frie og antagne murere" (Grandlodge of Denmark of old free and accepted masons). We have and - The ritual is "Ritus Hauniensis" basicly the York Rite added German and French rituals.
2) There is another Grandlodge funded in 2007 called "Storlogen af gamle frie og antagne murere af Danmark" (Grandlodge of old free and accepted masons of Denmark) having and - This one breaks out from "Den Den Danske Frimurerorden" (DDFO - The Danish order og Freemasons) after a huge scandal in 2006 and they are copying from our Grandlodge as well as DDFO. The ritual in 2) is "Emulation Workings"
3) The largest Grandlodge in Denmark is called "Den Den Danske Frimurerorden" (DDFO) (The Danish order og Freemasons) and is purely for people witch is babtised (Christians). The ritual comes from Sweden. They have
- Website Storlogen af Danmark
- Tre Hamre Drei Hammer-Loge in Kopenhagen
- Adoniram zu den drei TAU. Dänische Großinstruktionsloge
- Zerubbabel Ad Lucem Scientiae Nr. 1