En: Arturo de Hoyos

Arturo de Hoyos

Arturo de Hoyos, scholar, linguist, historian, author.
The Scottish Rite’s answer to the “hall of fame” is the Grand Cross Court of Honor.
It is the highest honor that the Supreme Council can bestow on a member, and it is reserved for those who have performed exceptional, extraordinary and prolonged services to the Fraternity and or humanity.
To put a finer point on it, in terms of numbers, there are currently only 81 men in the world who hold this honor, which is often called the greatest honor in Freemasonry … - Arturo de Hoyos, 33rd Degree, is also a Grand Cross. He is also currently the Grand Archivist and Grand Historian of the Scottish Rite.
Grand Archivist and Grand Historian at The Supreme Council, 33º, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., USA / Member of the Board and Chairman of Publications, Scottish Rite Research Society / Grand Archivist and Chairman of Publications, Grand College of Rites, USA
His office is one mile directly north of the White House, in the historic "House of the Temple," designed by John Russell Pope, America's foremost neoclassical architect, who also designed the Jefferson Memorial, the National Archives, the West Building of the National Gallery of Art, and other buildings in Washington, D.C., and others around the country.
Recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on the history, philosophy, rituals, symbolism, and purposes of Freemasonry.
Special Consultant to the Masonic Service Association and other organizations worldwide.
One of three people invited to the Vatican by the Roman Catholic Church to discuss Masonry.
Featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, DC's FOX 5 News, WAMU Radio's "Metro Connection," Voice of America, The History Channel; Interviewed by the New York Times, US News & World Report, El País, etc.
- The Cloud of Prejudice: A Study in Anti-Masonry
- Kessinger, 1992
- This study focuses on the anti-Masonic message of Pastor Ron Carlson, President of 'Christian Ministries International: (Eden Prairie, Minnesota), who markets his anti-Masonic sermon on an audio cassette entitled 'Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge."
- Ritual of the Grand Lodge “Zur Sonne” (Bayreuth, Germany)
- Kessinger, 1992
- Only English-language translation available of the three Craft degrees of the extinct Masonic Grand Lodge "zur Sonne" (Bayreuth, Germany) which was closed down by the Nazis.
- The Mystery of the Royal Arch Word (in Heredom 2)
- Scottish Rite Research Society, 1993
- Search for the origins of the trilingual word.
- Liturgy of Germania Lodge No. 46 F&AM , New Orleans, Louisiana
- Michael Poll (New Orleans, Lousiiana), 1993
- Translation of the 1844 Ritual of the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason Degrees : Together with the Ceremony of Masonic Baptism and the Burial Ceremony.
- The Blue Degrees of Atwood’s Cerneau Supreme Council
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 1994
- The Ritual of Lodge Le Progrés de l’Oceanie (Honolulu, Hawaii): Erik Palmer’s ‘Working Ritual in English’
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 1995
- On the Origins of the Prince Hall Scottish Rite Rituals
- Heredom 5 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society), 1996
- Sarsena … and The Ancient Order of Free Gardners
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 1996
- The Union of 1867
- Heredom 5 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society), 1996
- A ‘Cocktail’ from the Schröder Ritualsammlung: The Clermont System plus Additional Degrees
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 1997
- Anti-Masonic Abuse of Scottish Rite Literature
- Heredom 6 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society), 1997
- Is it True What They Say About Freemasonry? The Methods of anti-Masons
- M. Evans (New York), 2010
- The Book of the Words (Sephir H’Debarim)
- Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC), 1999
- Facsimile of Pike's 1879 (second) edition, with introduction by de Hoyos.
- Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Egyptian Rite of Memphis, 96°
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 1999
- Ritual of the Sovereign Sanctuary, Valley of Canada
- The Postumous Success of James H. C. Miller, Degree Peddler
Heredom 8 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society), 2000
- Reuel Bella Clifford’s ‘A Free Mason Song’
Heredom 8
- Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society, 2000
- The Early Regalia of the Scottish Rite
- Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC), 2000
- Included in "Vested in Glory," by James T. Tresner.
- Lectures of a Chapter, Senate & Council: Translated by John Yarker, 33—96°
- Grand College of Rites, USA, 2000
- The Early Years of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana (1811-1815)—A Rejoinder
Heredom 9
- Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society, 2001
- The Rituals of Calvin C. Burt’s Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (Part 2)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2002
- Statutes, Public Ceremonials and History of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry
Grand College of Rites, USA 2003
- Constitution and General Statutes for the Government of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry
Grand College of Rites, USA 2004
- David Bernard’s Light on Masonry: An ‘Anti-Masonic Bible
Heredom 12 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society) 2004
- Freemasonry in Context: History, Ritual, Controversy
Lexington Books (New York) 2004
- The Rituals of the Swedish System of Freemasonry, I°–X°
[Private] 2005 Translation of the Zinnendorf rituals of the German Grosse Landesloge system (variant of the Swedish Rite)
- Albert Pike’s Esoterika: Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry
Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC) 2005
- Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (Part 1: 4°-17°)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2005
- Introduction to the Rituals of the Rite of Strict Observance
Heredom 14 (Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Research Society) 2006 Includes a translation of the three Craft degree Autoren: Arturo de Hoyos .·., Alain Bernheim
- Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (Part 2: 18°-26°)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2006 Arturo de Hoyos .·., John Yarker
- Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry (Part 3: 27°-33°)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2007 Autoren: Arturo de Hoyos .·., John Yarker
- The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide
Supreme Council, 33° (Washington, DC) 2007
- "A Brief Overview of the Scottish Rite's Origins and Rituals"
Scottish Rite Journal September 2007
- Albert Pike’s String of Pearls
Supreme Council, 33° (Washington, DC) 2008
- Committed to the Flames: The History and Rituals of a Secret Masonic Rite
A Lewis (London, England) 2008
- Degrees of the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (4°-18°)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2008
- Light on Masonry: The History and Rituals of America's Most Important Masonic Exposé
Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC) 2008 Includes a reprint of the third edition of 1829, with my 200-page introduction.
- “Dan Brown’s Freemasonry,” in Daniel Bernstein and Arne De Keijzer, _Secrets of the Lost Symbol_
Harper Perennial 2010 Chapter on Freemasonry
- Degrees of the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (19°-45°)
Grand College of Rites, USA 2009
- Foreword to Stephen Dafoe, "Morgan: The Scandal the Shook Freemasonry"
- Preface to Alain Bernheim, "Une certaine idée de la franc-maçonnerie"
Dervy (France) 2009 I was honored to write the preface to Bernheim's masterpiece.
- Did Dan Brown Get it Right?
Secrets of the Lost Symbol (U.S. News & World Report) 2010
- Masonic Formulas and Rituals Transcribed by Albert Pike in 1854 and 1855
Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC) 2010 The source of Albert Pike's ritual revisions, transcribed from the original copy in the archives vault of the Supreme Council. This never-before-published work includes the complete collection of rituals which Albert Pike received when he joined the Scottish Rite in 1853.
- Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma: Annotated Edition
Supreme Council, 33° (Washington, DC) 2011 This new edition includes the complete original text, but has been fully updated and improved. Spelling errors have been corrected, and it is set in clear, easy-to-read type; it retains the original pagination within the body of the text, while new subject headings and paragraph numbers make finding passages easy! Approximately 4,000 notes reveal the original sources used by Pike, clarify passages, suggest further reading, and include cross-references. New "ready references" reveal scriptural sources.
- The Most Secret Mysteries of the High Degrees of Masonry Unveiled
- Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC), 2011
- Translated from the original French edition published in 1766, was the first book to reveal some of the high degrees which later became part of the Scottish Rite.
It presents early forms of some of the most popular degrees and includes variations of rituals which migrated into other Masonic rites, orders, and systems.
Contents include: Introduction; History of the Origin of Freemasonry; Explanation of the Emblems of the Prints; The Degree of Perfect Elect Mason; The Degree of Elect of Perignon; The Degree of Elect of the Fifteen; The Degree of Junior Architect; The Degree of Senior Architect; The Degree of Knight of the Sword & Rose Croix; The Degree of Noachite or Prussian Knight.
- The Rite of Strict Observance and Two High Degree Rituals of the Eighteenth Century
Grand College of Rites, USA 2011 The Rite of Strict Observance, Translated by Alain Bernheim and Arturo de Hoyos, from the Friedrich Ludwig Schroder Ritualsammlung (Rudolstadt, 1805-16), vol. 2 parts 4A & 4B, Apprentice; Fellow; Master Mason; Scots Master; Secular Novice; Knight; Lay Brother.
Two High Degree Rituals of the Eighteenth Century, Translated by Arturo de Hoyos, from Otto Schaff, “Zwei Hochgrad-Rituale des 18. Jahrhunderts” in Bernhardt Beyer, Freimaurer-Museum (Leipzig: Bernhard Sporn, 1928), vol. 4, pp. 209-45, Philosophical Knight of Hermes; Sage Knight of Hermes.
- Allegorical Conversations Arranged by Wisdom
Scottish Rite Research Society (Washington, DC) Dezember 2012 Translated from the original French edition published in parts between 1763 and 1766, was the first printed text of the catechisms of high degree Freemasonry, some of which later became part of the Scottish Rite
Arturo de Hoyos .·., S. Brent Morris
- International Masonic Collection, 1723-2011
Oak Knoll Press & Library of the Supreme Council 2012 I was editor of Watkins' masterful text. Autoren: Larissa P. Watkins, Arturo de Hoyos .·.
- Darius Wilson's Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient and Accepted Scottish Free Masons of the United States of America
Grand College of Rites, USA 2012 Darius Wilson was expelled from Freemasonry for conferring Masonic degrees without authority and keeping the money for himself. He created his own Masonic organization, using a version of the Scottish Rite's Craft Degrees, which are included in this book, with an account of his expulsion.
- Mathew Mc Blain Thomson's "American Masonic Federation"
Grand College of Rites, USA 2013
- The Melissino System of Freemasonry
Grand College of Rites, USA 2014 Translation (from German) of the rituals of Count Peter Melissino's system.
- Freemasonry's Royal Secret: The Jamaican Francken Manuscript of the High Degrees
Scottish Rite Research Society 2014 Study (with complete ritual transcription) of the system which gave birth to the Scottish Rite. Autoren: Arturo de Hoyos .·., Alain Bernheim
- "That other guy named Albert"
Scottish Rite Journal März 2015 Brief Bio of Albert G. Mackey
- "Anti-Masonry"
Transactions (2014 - Vol. 21) - Walter F. Meier Lodge of Research No. 281, Free & Accepted Masons of Washington 2015 Autoren: Arturo de Hoyos .·., S. Brent Morris
- "A Response to Jeffrey Croteau's Rejoinder"
Heredom, vol. 22 (Scottish Rite Research Society) 2014 Refutation of the notion that the Scottish Rite in the Northern part of the United States was formed as traditionally believed. Autoren: Alain Bernheim, Arturo de Hoyos .·.
See also
- Rezension: “Freemason’s Royal Secret – The Francken-Manuscript” von Arturo de Hoyos
- En:Scottish Rite
- Video featuring Arturo de Hoyos https://vimeo.com/52694149
- Scottish Rite https://scottishrite.org/about/media-publications/podcast/episode-10-the-senex-arturo-de-hoyos-33-grand-cross/
- Pietre-Stones article by Arturo de Hoyos about “The Mystery of the Royal Arch Word” http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/royal_arch_word.html
- Freemason Information http://freemasoninformation.com/2013/12/a-interview-with-arturo-dehoyos/
- Wikipedia on Arturo de Hoyos https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arturo_de_Hoyos