
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
  • …e Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States: Charleston, 1871. …entional creed could not. Its indefiniteness acknowledged the abstruseness of the subject: it treated that mysterious subject mystically: it endeavored…
    94 KB (16.564 Wörter) - 14:51, 8. Aug. 2015
  • …an inner urge to seek for the Lost Word; to build a house of God, a temple of the spirit, where he may meet the Father face to face and answer His call. …ble now to comprehend its meaning, the Father speaks to us in the language of symbolism, which both hides and reveals the spiritual truths we must unders
    154 KB (27.718 Wörter) - 08:41, 3. Apr. 2019
  • == Freemasonry in the German Empire == …nient electronic research. This material is NOT intended as a reproduction of the original volumes. However close the material is to becoming a reproduce
    225 KB (37.255 Wörter) - 10:54, 12. Okt. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …ets. In Hebrew it is Daleth, signifying the door of life, a representation of which was probably its original hieroglyph, as in the illustration. Here
    253 KB (43.298 Wörter) - 16:22, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …s definition, fish. As a final, Nun is written 1, and then is of the value of 700. The Hebrew Divine appellation is Formidabilis.
    213 KB (36.036 Wörter) - 16:25, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …e Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States: Charleston, 1871. <center>XXVI. PRINCE OF MERCY, OR SCOTTISH TRINITARIAN. </center>
    129 KB (22.291 Wörter) - 14:13, 8. Aug. 2015
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' An abbreviation of Worshipful, of Wrest, of Warden, and of Wisdom .
    280 KB (47.543 Wörter) - 13:14, 23. Jan. 2022
  • Bereits in [[William Smith]]s „The Charges of a Free Mason“ (1735) findet sich bei der Erklärung der drei Hauptpflicht …möchten.“ [später in der 2. Aufl. von [[William Preston]]s „Illustrations of Masonry“, 1775]<br/>
    181 KB (27.336 Wörter) - 20:49, 7. Nov. 2020
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …ns, alluded in those well known and often-quoted lines, in which he speaks of ... that hieroglyphic bright
    207 KB (35.287 Wörter) - 16:23, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …tion's of earth to a higher and holier sphere. Thus the eagle in the jewel of that Degree is significantly represented with wings displayed as if in flig
    307 KB (52.035 Wörter) - 16:22, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …rical value in Hebrew is thirty. The Roman numeral L is fifty. Hebrew name of Deity, as an equivalent, is h, dimmed, or Doctus. This letter also signifie
    293 KB (50.337 Wörter) - 16:25, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …, which is of the same hieroglyphic formation, has the numerical valuation of 5.
    243 KB (41.918 Wörter) - 16:23, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …he Hebrew letter. Its numerical value is 900, and the equivalent as a name of God is Rahum, signifying clemency.
    324 KB (55.193 Wörter) - 16:27, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …he twenty second and last of the Hebrew. As a symbol, it is conspicuous in Freemasonry. Its numerical value as Teth, is 9, but as Thau, it is 400 (see Tau).
    321 KB (55.153 Wörter) - 16:28, 20. Jun. 2016
  • == MACKEY - The History Of Freemasonry == [[Bild:Buchrücken3.jpg|right|350px|THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY BY ALBERT GALLATIN MACKEY]]
    582 KB (100.249 Wörter) - 16:31, 20. Jun. 2016
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …mma or the ¢ or ph. and the vau of the Hebrew, which has a numerical value of six.
    283 KB (48.165 Wörter) - 16:22, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …e Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States: Charleston, 1871. …hey placed the seed and lit the fire, thence arose He Who is the only life of the bright gods; Who is the God! etc?" </blockquote><blockquote>end chapter
    397 KB (67.284 Wörter) - 14:13, 8. Aug. 2015
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …ied to Hiram the Architect. This is the word root of Baal. The Hebrew name of the Deity connected with this letter is ..., Bakhur.
    372 KB (63.626 Wörter) - 12:28, 23. Jan. 2022
  • ….11.2022); vgl. Youtube-Video “Sapere Aude 333 - German freemasonry in Age of Nationalism (1860 – 1945). Part 2 by Bro Manuel Pauli”, URL: https://ww …Zeitebene<br><br>''“We have rarely considered<br>'''the ideological nature of temporal concepts'''<br>which inform our theories and rhetoric.”''<br><br
    102 KB (15.369 Wörter) - 12:40, 29. Okt. 2023
  • :'''Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry''' …l, M stands for 1000. In Hebrew its numerical value is 40. The sacred name of Deity, applied to this letter, is Meborach, and in Latin Benedictus, meanin
    477 KB (80.487 Wörter) - 16:25, 20. Jun. 2016

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