
Aus Freimaurer-Wiki
  • …r of many other lodges in foreign countries. The grand lodges in n Russia, Holland, and many parts of Germany, according to the accounts we have received, far
    136 KB (21.488 Wörter) - 08:48, 3. Apr. 2019
  • …in its present organization, was subjected, occurred in the year 1735, in Holland. On the 16th of October of that year, a crowd of ignorant fanatics, whose… …in its present organization, was subjected, occurred in the year 1735, in Holland. On the 16th of October of that year, a crowd of ignorant fanatics, whose…
    586 KB (100.221 Wörter) - 12:28, 15. Jan. 2022
  • …"there were about nineteen of these associations in the principal towns of Holland in 1860." …mber 3, 1756, and addressed to what was then the Provincial Grand Lodge of Holland, refusing leave for the holding of Scotch Lodges and pointing out that Free
    477 KB (80.487 Wörter) - 16:25, 20. Jun. 2016
  • Born September 2, 1778; died July 25, 1846. Brother of Napoleon I. King of Holland in 1806. Grand Master Adjoined of the Grand Orient of France in 1804. In 18 A country in South America. The Grand Lodge of Holland warranted Lodge Saint Juan de la Ré-Union in 1771 at Georgetown. It did no
    372 KB (63.626 Wörter) - 12:28, 23. Jan. 2022
  • …, languages, and races. The first Lodge in South Africa was Goede Hoop, of Holland origins, constituted in the Transvaal in 1772. (See article in this Supplem …r 1760, by the Count de Bemouville. Another was instituted at Nijmegen, in Holland, in 1774, over which the Prince of Waldeck and the Princess of Orange presi
    795 KB (136.538 Wörter) - 16:21, 20. Jun. 2016
  • Als Druckort (Jerusalem) wird Holland, Israel, Frankreich und Berlin, Genf oder Neuenburg angegeben.
    221 KB (36.371 Wörter) - 13:13, 23. Jan. 2022
  • …e erected by the Lodges in Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. The Freemasons of Holland instituted a school for the blind in 1808. In the United States much attent …ster Mason by any Brother who is in possession of its Ritual. There was in Holland, in 1778, a secret Masonic society called the Order of Jonathan and David,
    834 KB (142.693 Wörter) - 11:06, 15. Jan. 2018
  • Formerly the Sixth Degree of the Capitular system, practised in Holland.
    307 KB (52.035 Wörter) - 16:22, 20. Jun. 2016
  • …hohen Geschmack durch die Aufführung seines zierlichen Pallasts zu Loo in Holland.
    321 KB (50.988 Wörter) - 11:59, 23. Feb. 2016
  • …is doctrines were adopted by a great number of persons in Sweden, England, Holland, Russia, Germany, and lastly, in the United States. His religious system is
    960 KB (169.656 Wörter) - 16:30, 20. Jun. 2016

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